Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap, !9. An, Expeftion upon the Book. of JOB. Vert q:: iGr. referres to pra kil, 'cis hecefie in him, as it re erres to opi- niáu, Secddit,.b fuppofed that which might very well be `while lie laid ; Be it that Ihave erred ; he did not luppofe an ii1ì poßi=bility, Hence obferve It common to man, to the befi ofraen, to godly men,to be in an errear. A godly man thould not fitppof himfelfe an heret:,ick ; who as he ufuaily erres againtl light, fo he alwayes delights in hí5 crrour ; but he may fuppofe himfelfe erring for want ofl;ght. They who in this life have molt light in them, have alto much drkeneffe in them ;, and we areapter to follow the darknefe of our owne fpirits, then the light of Gods Spirit. He that thinkes he cannot erre, reckons himfelf for more then a man. And while we confelte that either we have erred, or may erre, we doe but confeffe that we are me:n.Yea:as he that faith,He bath nit finned, fo he that faith, he hath:not erred, bath no truth in him. A deniall that we have erred, is the Grand error ; and there are none fo ftiffe in that deniall, as they who are molterrone- ous. While there remaines any corruptionin thewill, theun- derflanding cannot be wholly free from corruption. While fin path any part in us, it may aci it fel:fe in every part. Though fome (poßrbly ) doe not erre, yet 'cis too much for any man to fay fo of himfelfe, no man is exempt from a poflibilitie oferring. Till we arive ae perfect purity, we fhAll not arriveat infaliibi- Thirdly, Note; r Concefonsaref.metimes the rongefl refutation. We may unanfwerably convince others Of an error, by fup- poling that we have erred. Laftly, Take this briefe note alto. It may be our wi,/edome togive another leave er fcope tofay,. that we have erred when we have not :but it Le'ourjia to chargé our felves pofiaively with error, when we have not erred. It is one thing to let it be fuppofed that wehaveerred when . we have not, and another thing to fay we have erred when we Y have-