t&6 Chap.Ig. An expofition upon the Book of JOB. Verf 5, and he bath cornpaffedme with his net. There's an anfwer for you . This may put you to filence, and flop your monthes both from .vilifying me, and overvaluing your felves. As ifhe had Paid 1 he hand of ]od is upon me, -why doeyou lift upyour beads againfk the ;" Dotb it become you to_greatenyour felves, becaufeGod bath. made me little ?cr to hióhtenyour fpiritsagainf"me,when godh.rth laid rue ló.r;? Ifindeedyou willmagnifie yourfelves againfl mr. The word which we tranflàte to magnsf-te, referres both ca A Iii words and works, fignifying as to aft highly, fo to fpeake .6'1471 big, to boat} and vaunt. We magnifie God, not by ìnaking hini.. Pn hi¡hii,Mag- Great, but by making it appeare how great he is. But when . niicavit.anxt`, man magnifies himfelfe , either he would make himfelfe ap- magwfici rgrr' greater and better then he is, or be would make his lei- magna lotutuf, P eare g gloreatus flit, low- bretheren appeare !eite and worfe then they are, (7ía1..35. `ltidd. 26.)Let them be afbamed, andbrought to confufton together that re- joyce atmine hurt:let them be cloathed with fhame anddiihonor that . frtragni f e themfelves againfl me._ WhileDavid prayed that there felfe-magnifiers and admirers might be brought to fhame ; he plainly intimates both that they had taken morehonour to themfelves then was their due, and that they shad taken that from him,, which was his due. Thus he pleads with God a, gair.e upon the fame account (Pfa1.38=. r 6. ) For Ifayd, hrare- me, Itft cth. erroife they flrould rojoyce over me ; when myfoot flippeth, __ they magnifie themfelves againfi me ;As if he had fayd,Lord hold me up and eflablifh mygoings, for if flip, mine enemies think . they f}and the fafler, and if I fall, their pride rifeth. Ot ce more, he complaines of the infulcations of his fare friends in the day of his dilireffe. (7)fa1.S5. t2. ) It wat not atf,E_f4rny(that is,, an open enemy ) that reproached me, then 1 could have borne it neither was it he that hatedme (that is, whoprofect hatred dot maginified himfelfeagainfl me, then I woadhive hidmy fel`e *aadoquidem from him. While'Davids profeff"ed or fecret enemies magnified v^bu vil ni eft themfelves, they ever leffened,àrd abafed him.; erumna mear Thus here ; If indeedye pill magnifteyot:r felves agairf me,, 'Grandiloquen- if ye will grow upon me, or as we fay ) crow over mein tia tanta de¡cri' ,vordh if ye will Bourifh it in high language, and come with tern, &e. Bex. ingrandefchi.. full mouth againft me, thenknow; &c. Mr. Broaghtc,t referres Lebo it