Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

r74 Chap.. 19. rfln ¿'xpofitionupon the Book of J o B. Verf.6 às if Godhad nothing to doe in bringingme thus low. Therefore I ware yots again, Know that god bath overthrawne me ;I tell you it is your errour and fin, to charge my afftietions upon the ac- count of my fin, Know that God bath overthrownme. He bath done ir, who may dce is to an innocent, and S et be jufl him- felfe. And feeingGod bath done it, how know you that he bath done it, becaufe my tin provoked him to doe it rather then becaufe himfelfe ( for ends bet?'; known to himfelfe ) was pleafed to doe it ?, Knsw that godbathoverthrown me. 'Jt°I1 t11V The word tranhated, overthrowne,fignifies in its róote, to turne ;e,;e ere,tx,e, a thing afide, to put it out of the way; as allo the making of a re, ex fito pro- thingcrooked, and in the nowne, that which is crooked. La- p;ierate afore ment. 3.36. He doth not afift willingly, nor grieve the children of videturcurvira- men. To crufb;under hisfeet all theprifoners ofthe earth. To turne re,n quaudem afide theright ofa manbefore the faceofthe moil hi_h.To fubvert a ere,verjratem deuiame n man its his caufe the Lord appeareth not. TheLord Both not fub- o vert or overthrow a man in his caufe. God did not overthrow Verbum hot di. lob's right, but, his hate. The vulg<r tranflation fpeakes that /torfr nem nm i trod) a(iaru fat- n the Letter ( and the Original! will beare it.) Know that God lit csmmo loath not offlitted vse according to 7ufice. Yet that reading doth do fed ab Apo not charge injuffice uponGod ; for that were blafphemie ; but & redo¡gmfi the fence is, he hath not done it according to the wayofmen, or cat ; fed Jobru the ordinary courfe ofJultice between man and man, God ads de ffatu non de- j, that luftl Y towards man by his prerogative, which between coc : man and man were perverting of jultice Hence the Lord him- Qucd non etgco felfe tells Satan ( Chap. 2. 3 .) thou moveft me to deflroy him with- iudicioafilixert out caüfe. To deftroy a man without caufe, is to prevert Juftice. me. VJI,` In that fence we may underhand lob here ; Know that God hath i. e. 047,26 Km jm Y ' innocér me tan- everebrowne me; As ifhehad faid, He hath not dealt with meby qua:n imp;tm the common rule of legall proceedings, but according to the ,ayligit,id3,p41- pleafure ofhis owne will. Godnever doth any roan, nor bath to n,edem, he done me any injuiice, yet mans uftiçe is not the fquare of Mac what he=hathdone to therefore you are quite betides the bufineffe, when all along you charge me with fin, and errour, as the reafon of all my fufferings ; Know that God loath ever- throwne me. Firft, Sob fpeakes this declaratively, not cornplai ningly he afhrrnesGod had done it, but hedid not murmur be- caufehe ° ad done ir. Hence