Chap 19. An Expofstion upon the Book of JOB. Verf ó_ 175 Hencenote Agod (j man freelyandchearefully ownrs the hand of god inall his troubles. As when he is railed. he ownes the handof God deliver ig and reiloring hitn, fo when he is overthrowne; he ownes the hand ofGod finning and caging him downe. We honour God as much by looking to him as the Author and orderer of our atfliRions, as ofour confolations, o our loffes, as well : s ofour gainings, of ouroverchró.ves, as well as ofour vi eories. The Confeffions of the Church run fully in this fireame, Tfal. 44. to, z t, 12, 13, 14. Thous hag call ws cff,andput to to Jha ne. Thou mal f us turne backerfrom the enemy. Thou ha(lgiven to hke ¡heepe appointedfor meate. Thou fellefl thy peoplefor nought. Thou makeftt to a reproach to our eighbours. Thou mak' fì' to a byword among the heathen. An evill heart obferves not the hand ofGod, either eflabiifhing or overthrowing. The Prop'aet fpeakes this fully (Ifa. 26.11. ) Lord when thy handa liftedup, they will not fee What had the hand of"God been doing that they were thus fully blinde, end would not fee. The tenth' verfe tells us his hand had been doing good ; Let favour be ¡hewed to the ricked; yet rill he not learne ri8hteoufnefe, &c. in the Land ofuprightneffe mill he dealt unjuf ly, andwill not behold the majefly of the Lord: Now as wicked men will not 'fee the hand of God in favours, fo not in judgements. Their fight is bounded with fecond eau- fes ; The creamre is their Horizon, and ¡huts them in, they fee nothingabove or beyond it. 'Tis the malice of this man, or theiunflithfulneffe of that man, which hath overthrowne them. 'Twas the negligence of thofe they implyedas inflruments, or the of ivitieofth cafe thatwere oppofite o them, 'twas achant -e, or their ill fortune, upon which they have mifcarried. God is not in all t heir thoughts. Secondly, ?ob tells his friends, God loath overthrowne me, *f is in s. that hemight abate the keenneffe oftheir fpirits towards gxo, di. and to move compaffìon. rra au t,qd. vex fo incxbxít, Henceobferve ,; 741,o vue dew We Jhouldtakeheedoftroubling or grieving them, who areal.- 'potin. ecru, (ern readygrievedand troubled under theaiiíling hand ofGail o'e,4t`rPerr es &rid if it beunnatural! and uncomely:to grieve thofe who. O ig zrt