Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 19. An Expefition upon the Book of J QB. Verf.7. 185 before we obey his counfels and' commands.. And he Both this not onely in a way of juft retaliation, but in a way of tryall. Nor is it any wonder that God delayes his fer- vants, Peeing he was pleated to delay his Son, who though he faith, f tither Iknow that theu always hearefl me,yet in fome fence he was not alwayes heard. TheLord deferr'd JJus Chrift him - felfe, whom we finde complaining much after the rate ofYob. (I1:/1.22.2. )whereDavid as a type ofChrift, cryes onr., O ny God Icry in the day time, but thon hearefl not, and in the night fea- fou,and am not 'lent. That is,Icry night and day,or continually, but thou heareft not.Chrift was not heard,that is,he was not pre- fently relieved in the thing that he prayed for. God feerned even to Phut up, and (lop his cares againft hiscry ; he cryed andwas not beard. Chrift was heard, andnot heard. He was not heard for the removing of the cup from him; the cup did not paffe ; yet he was heard as to the fupply of ftrength in drinking that bit- ter cup.(Heb.S.)hewas heard in that he feared,or,for lossfeare. He was heard as to the fupport ofhis Spirit, and the carryinghim through the fuffering, yet he was not heardas to the removing ofthe fuffering. Chrift prayed againti fuffering, though hewas molt willing to fuffer, and God fuffered wicked mento have their will over him. The Prophet Habakukhath a very paralell complaint to this of yob, ( Habak,.I.2. ) oLord, how long /ball I cry, and thouwilt not heare ? About what did he cry ? Even ofvio- !ence, and thouwilt notPave. When the Prophet faith; How long ¡hall I cry ; hedoth not askehow longhe fhouldyet cry, but he affirmes that he had already cryed very long ; and therefore he adds ; why doef thou ¡hew me iniquitie ? andcaul me to behold grievance ? He Manes not his owne iniquitie, but the inquitie of others. As if he had faid, why doe 1fee eke unjui dealing and iniquitie ofwicked men,by whole violence thy people are wronged and grieved. And as theProphet bemoanes himfelfe, that not- wìthftanding his cry, he had yet converted fo often and long with thefe dolefull vifions, fo at the 13 verfe,. he fèemes to Rand admiring how the Lord could beare the beholdingof them .wherefore loohefl thouupon them that deale treacheroufty and holdefi thy tongue when the wicked devóureth the man that is more righteosu then he,and makefi men as theffhes oftheSeá, &c.\Where the greater fwallow up the leffe. As if had faid, Lord, Ihave B b often-