Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

< ,yin_ Expoftion %aeon the Boo*. òf J OB. Yeti7. J$t Thirdly, It is yet a greater tryall, when God in Read Of granting appears angry with our prayers, or with us when we pray, as thePfani:ít fufpec`ted, Pfal.80.4..)0 Lord Godof Hofts, bow bog wilt thou be angry (orfruoake) againft theprayer ofthy people ? T4?ey cryed out ofwrong, they were under the rage and anger of men, and God feemed angry with them while they cryed. So faith the Prophet ( La enc.3.8) Thou hall Aar one nsy prayer. Which a;tion notes God highly difpleared with his prayer. When a man cornes to our doore, and we doe ,not onely deny, or deferre him, but {hut the doore againft him, this is p oofe enough, we are angry with him, or that we 'MI for an e.ienny. Yet thus the Lord fome:icnes dales with his people,, in fkead of opening when they knocke, he feemes to locke oit phut the doore againít them. ourthly;To cry of:t ofwrong, and notbe heard, is then molt grievous when the Lord`°fuffers us to be wronged more, and encreafes that trouble, the removing of which we pray for, even while wee are praying. This is a fore tryall indeed. Thus the Ifraelires, who were under heavy burthens in 6,Egypt, cryed to the Lord, yet their burthens were made heavier, and their preffures tnultiplyed. Ifour difeafeflould gather lrength while we are taking medicines to cure it, -ifour wound wran- kle while we are applying Balfames to heale it, we are then ready to conclude, that our cafe is defperate. How arepoore fouls brought to the verybrinkofdefpair, when their troubles and {freightsgrow more upon them, while ( which is the moib approved meaner-tobe eafed ofthem, or eared in them)they are' plying the throne of grace with conitant fervent cryes anti- prayers. /cryAloud, and there it no judgement. Exponit eaa- This fecond part of the verle is of the fame fence with the a,, rem alrys former. Onely there is fume varietie in the reading, and ex- verbio prefíions. He faid there ; Behold Icry outof wrong. Here,I ery aloud. It is but one word in the Hebrew, butwe can'hardly V ttUinec vsri- reach it with two in our language. ; it <figniîtes morethen to fe a io e(l ex. cry, yea morethen toxry.out, 'it figmfies to cry aloud, and not proprieta;e u ve- onely tocry aloud asaman, but as dogges and Wolves, whole aGetsr o ; crying is howling. So fome render ít a howlingcry. Weput caufe crsm g both mite & Afula- tu.