Chap. 19. An Expefttion upon the Book of J OB. Verf a great fight ofof iétion ; I have been wreftling long with ffrong temptations, but the matter is not yet determined, no man ap- Proprium era peares to take up the controverfie, and pafl'e fentence for me. Ahtetan" eur- fo.+um ugi. Others referre thefe words to the day cf judgement, I cry lam ch',,, ë9, aloudd, and there is no judgement. As if he had laid, the day of gemi,ar çso ji thegreat trial) is not come, therefore my crying is but in vaine. !a 41 a & Therewill be a revelation, as of the righteous jndgetnent of Cod, tgnu a een(ir. fo of the righteoufneffe and innocency ofman, but that day " ours. Pwed: muff yet longer be waited for. I cry aloud, but it is not yet judgement-time. So, 'tis anargument to fchoole and quiet his fpirit into faith and patience ; Till the Lord come, whoboth will bring to light the hidden things of darkneffe, andwill make manifeff the counfels of theheart,and thenfbaÌl every man have praife ofGod, (t Cor. 4. 5. ) That is, every mail who is praife-worthy{hall be approved in judgement. But I rather take it of the prefent time, Icry aloud, and there is too judgement ; That is, there is none to judge between me and my brethrenin this cafe. There is judgement of two forts Firft, In relieving, and acquitting the innocent. Secondly, In condemning, or punilhing the guilty. Lob complaines ofthe want ofboth : he found no Judgement either acquittinghimfelfe, or condemning his adverfary. Hence obferve ; Thedefeat ofjudgement is adeplorable evil. We finde God himfelfe complaining of this, (Ifa. 59.5 ) 2gne callethfor Nuftice ; many called for juftice, by wayofen- treaty, but none called for juftice by way of command ; there were many Suiters for Juftice, but there were none to doe or award Ju{lice. But as it followes (ver. 14. ) 7udgemeut ie tur- ned backwards, and juftice frauds a far off,truth is fallen ix the ffreete, andequitie lothnot enter. Here are fonre words,Judge- ment, Juftice, truth, equitie, all tending to the time thing, and all denied entertainment among that people. Which is alfa expref- fed by an elegant gradation in loure words. That which we will not receive, we ufually turne backe . here the Text faith ; ¡udgement is turned backwards ; ifnot fo, yet we will not let it come neere ; fo here, 7ufice (lands afarre f ; ifit come neere ns,yet it {hall not be maintained byus,therefore'tis added, Truth Ce is