z94 Chap. ici yin Expoftion upon the Book of JOB. Verf. 7 i fallen in theftreets ; or if it doth not utterly fall, yet it (hall not prevaile, as the fourth expreffiontells us, Equitie cannot enter ; that is, itcawt fi id= entrance and entertainment : upon all which the Prophet concludes (ver. i 5. ) The Lord faw it, and it difleafed him, becaufe there was no 7udgemsnt. The Prophet Ha- bakkuklaments this, ( Chap. ì. verf. 4. ) Therefore the Law is flacked, and judgement doth never goeforth : for the wicked Both compaJe about the righteooi : therefore wrong judgement procee- kth.Wrong judgement is no judgement; when wrong judge- ment proceeds, Jullice is at a ftand,or ?udgement doth not proceed; that is, there is none to-doe any man right according to Juflice ; it is more fad when judgement is perverted, thenwhen judgement is frayed. When 'wrong jndgement is given, 'cis worts then when no judgement is given. The abufe ofa thing is a foror e- vili then the abfence of it. (Amos 6. t 2.) They turne ?udgement into gall. ( Hofea to. 4.) 7udgementfpringeth up like hemlock in the furrowes ofthe field. Gall is bitter, and Hemlock is a povfo- nous weed : it were better nothing fhould grow in the furrowes ofthe field then hemlock, and that we fhould have nothing to drinke, rather then drinke Gall. Jutlice ( though the fenrence of it be death, which is bitter as gall or wormwood, yet) is fweete ; injuft ice ( though the fenrence ofit be life, which is fweete as honey or fugar,yet) is bitter asgall or wormwood. But when wrong judgement ( which is it felfe bitter) is alto the judgement of death, how bitter is it ? God fends a privie fearch through 7orufalem, to finde a man, ( 7er. 5. o'. ) Run to andfro through thefireets of 7erufalem, and fee now, and know, and feeke in the broadplaces thereof, ifye canfinde a man, if there be any that executethjudgement. That Citie hath not a man in it, that cannot yeeld a man to execute judgement, though it have mul- titudes and throngsofmen in it.. A people are then at the laft call, when God makes fearch, and finds not a lover ofJuflice among them. .Nothing laves a people more open to the 7sedgement ofGod, then the want ofaman to execute 7ndgement. When the opprefied cry out, and there is no judgement done by man, both oppreffours and their favourers fhall cry out becaufe of the judgements ofGod. Yob