Chap. 19. An Expefition upon the Book, of J OB. Verf 8_ i lob proceeds; Verf. 8. Hebath fencedup myway that Icannot paf fe,, he bathfitdarkneffe in mypaths. 111 feria fuar This verfe conteines a further amplification of his forrow, comparationibar by cómparing himfelfe to a diftrefed traveller; for here we amplifico:, pri- have a way, and a path, and thofe things which are molt of- rib"; bur' fenfive to a traveller in his way. Two things are very trouble des in q ainere Tome to a traveller in his way. va!delnm nox- Fir(t, Ifhe meet rubs in his way, much more if he meet with is t feper.s te great blocks or fences fet croffe his way : Of this `lob complaines ntbra. in the firft part of the verfe ; He loath fenced rep my way that I cannot paffe. A fecond evill which troubles a traveller ( though his way be plaine ) is darkneffe; How can a man goe that cannot fee beforehim ? Aman travels agood waywith more feare in the darke, thenhe doth a bad way in the light. yob complaines of this latter annoyance in the latter part ofthe verfe ; He bath fet darkneffe inmy paths. I (hall fpeakebut a little to this verfe, becaufe the fubftance of it was opened ( Chap. 3.23. )Why is light given to aman whofe way is hid, and whomgod loath hedged in. Hebarkfenced ripmy way, But who was it that fenced up his way ? No perfon is ex- prefed. But as he Paid before, godbath overthrowne me , fo here his meaning is, Clodbathfenced up my way. The Septuagiut read not as we, He bathfenced up myway, but, He bathbuilt round a- bout myway. So ?eremie defcribes the ftraitned condition ofperu- falem, ( Lament. 3.8.) He bath built about me. This fimilitude isufed in Scripture when either a perfon or a people are brought into great (traits, or are at a difficult poynt, fo that they know not which way to turne themfelves. TheLord tells the Church of the ?ewes, ( Hof. 2.6,) Iwill hedge up thy way with- thornes, and makea wall, and}bee Awl not finde her paths ; That is, the paths of her former finfull pleafures, in which the was wont towalke, and take delight. Now as the Lord hedges up the wayes offome, that they cannot doe what 'theyrefolve, fo he hedges up the way of - others, that they cannot refolve what C c to Eft Drake fine fupPofto. In circuítu cir- c,rm difrcat us fu n.Stpt.