Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

ii 6 Chap. 18. en expofation upon the Bookof Jo B. friends were about to fpeak, or had formerly fpoken. (Mark, and afterwards we will fpeake. nfruire ut jo. Some interpret it ironically, as calling for his direction, not flea loquarn.ur. as defiring his attention ; Inftruft ass, and then we will (peak, As .quodan to nobis ifhe íhould fay, Tes, doc, preferibe to au what weJhallfay,put mat- loquendiforma- ter into our heads andwords into our mouths you were be take, las pcsfcribis? ' y ne, quicgaam uponyou tobe our Teacher,and112after, as ifnothing could be right, reEfe down vat that whichyou direït. But the word which we tranflate to .ceofebirx. n f mark, doth not intend dire&ion to others, but attention in ot:r tuid probave- lelves; and not fo much the attention of the eare, as óf the try. °f nificar nilnde, and heart, when the foule as it were fits upon a bufi- pro,riè inrr,n- .neffe, with it's whole ftrength, and puts out all its powers, to Jens, mente what it is about : Vnderfiand, or mark, and afterwards we confilerare, d. wül"peak,. Now as the former claufe was interpreted, either in animum ce to chrofr me in. reference to the friends of706, or to 7,b himfelfe, fo is this ado. tendere. hIcrc. They who expound Bildad in the former part reproving his friends, give the fenfe thus : Mark, andofteswards we mill apeak, As ifhe had laid, b my friends, cea/e to utteryour thoughts incen- faderately, fpeakyo longer what comes next, but nark , fat down,and confider whatyou have tofay, let us mark, and afterwards we will fpeake. Thus he reproves their rafhneffe, .se not havingattended their owne defigne, nor the intendment of Job in his foregoing an- fwers. Elihee s zeale breaks out into fuch language both againft yob and his three friends(Ch. 32. 3.) Then w.0 kindled thewrath ofElihu thefon ofBarachel the Bu- ite, ofthe kindredofRam : a- gainft yob w.0 his wrathkindled, becaufehejt.fltfied hitnfelfe rather then cod. Alf° againft hi/three friends was lots wrath kindled, be- .Quis {it d (pu caufe they badfound no anfwer, and yet had condemned Job. Job's ma ;Ionic cado friends found many anfwers, yet Elihu faith, they had found no non faris arren anfwer; their anfwers were not judicious, or convincing (as he dims. conceived) they did not hit thehing of the controverfie : Such anfwers are no anfwers, unleffe we anfwer to purpofe, we anfwer not at all. In which fenfe C'aiphzs reproves the Af embly ofthe Pharifees ( John z 49. ) when they fate in Counfell againit Chrift, and took into confideration what was belt to doe with him, whohad done fo many miracles ; Top! know nothingat all, nor confider that it is expedient that one manfhould from Verf.2