Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

B Chap. 18. e.4.4 expafition upon the `Book, of Jon. Veri 3 heard. It is in vaine to (peak, if there be not both thefe atten- tions Therefore we ought to give earnelZ heed, or to mark, the things that we have heard. Now, if we mutt mark the things that we have heard, furely we mutt mark things as we heave them : If the mitre the ñrít, we can never reach the latter ; ifwe 'doe not mark as we Beare, we cannot mark the things that we have heard, that is, confider, and enter into a due meditation ofthem. Marking is properly a work within ; hearing is a work .e ithout. ThePfalmift (Pfal. 48. 13. ) calls us tomark -the Bulwarks ofZ ion : Tell the Towers thereof , rnarkyee well her Bulwark!. The phrafe is very fignificant, Putyour hearts upon her Bulwarks; fo theHebrew. Now asyou are to mark the Towers and Bulwarks ofZion, by putting your hearts upon her Bulwarks, that is, by confdering how manydefences God hath for Zionand 7erufalem, howmanywayes ofprotedtion he bath for his people; this is the putting of ourhearts uponZi- ens Bulwarks. Thus we ought to put our hearts upon the word ofGod, the voyce that founds in Zion This is our marking it. Every 1vlinifter may fay to his hearers, as Bildad to yob, cí`Ylark, and then we will fpenke. Words exciting attention, are as prof- - table, as words giving infruftion and exhortation. This is the fecond fault hechargeth 766 with, An un-attentive fpirit,to what was fpoken. The third is; Verf. 3. wherefore are we accounted as Bealls, and reputed vile inyour fight ? wherefore are we accountedas Beafls ? G1z.le Here Bildad chargeth himwith evill fpeaking, and with pride, rit bz ham vo as -if he had looked upon them as Beafts, and that he onely was camus ho et- the man. We proverbially call a man that is either very ftupid, nein (tupido n .or very wicked, a Beaft. ('Pfi;l. 49. 21.) clan that ù in ho- uf. nour, and underflandethnot, io like the Reafle that peri/7i. He that wants underftanding, is (as a Beaft) ruled by affec`}ions, and paffìons : wherefore are we accoounted:asBeafls ? TheHebrew is fingular, wherefore are we accounted a Beat Before thee ? The wordBehemah is here ofed, why are we accoun- ted a Behemah, or Beaft before thee As ifall we did make but one Beaft ; or had neither reafon in us to judge, nor ability to Beak, which two diftinguiffaman from a Beaft, But