Chap. 18. efA Expoftion upon the Book of J o u. Verf. 4. Secondly, Turtle anger upon yourfelves; not to teare your felves ( as lob is fuppofed here ) but to confider and reprove your felves : The more any man is acquainted with himfelfe, the leffe angry wall hebe with others. A true fight ofour felves, íhewes us fo much caufeto be difpleafed with our felves, that we (ball have little leifure and leffe caufe to be angry with our brethren. He that looks much into himfelfe, will fee fo much todoe, and to blame at home, that he will not find much to blame abroad, efpecially he will not doe it with paflionate an- ger. Anger alwayes rifeth from force over-valuing of our felves ; we thinke our felves ill dealt with, or dealt with below our worthwhen we are angry. Now he that knowes himfelfe ful- ly, can fcarfly thinke himfelfe undervalued by any; he hath lower thoughts ofhimfelfe, then others can have ofhim : There are not many receits for the cure ofanger, better or more appro- ved then this. Thirdly, Corral'your anger beforeyou imployyour anger ; doe with this Pafllon as Phyfitians doe with their drugs; forcedrugs which are healthfull for the body, excellent to purge, and dif- pel noxious humours ; muff yet before they are ufed be corred- ed and receive force allay; you may poyfon the body with them elfe, and deftroy it rather then repaire its decayes : So in Dr. Rey,, this cafe, your anger will teare, and undoe you, unleffe you cor- Trek of the red it, and take off the tharpneffe and virulency of it. And as P4ßì Chap. you doe with your Hones, efpecially with ftòmackfull Hones 31. ' we firft bridle and faddle them, and then ride them, elfe we cannot have them under command : Thus we muff deale with anger ; it is neceffary to be angry fometimes ; and he is a foole that cannot be angry at all ; oaely get this wifedome, tobridle and (addle anger before you ufe it ; left it carry you away; and hurry you without any command. Fourthly, Let notyour anger hanguponyourfpirits, or continue withyou : That's the Apoftles advice, Ephef 4. 27. Let not the Sun goe clowns uponyour wrath. It is ill being in the dark with fo bad a Companion ; Anger may paffe through the heart ofa wife man, buts Solomon. faith, It refis in the bofome o; f toles. It is law- full to doeforce things, which to continue doing is unlawfull; we cannot continue the adings of faith and love too long t But that Spirit which faith, Befledfaft infaith, let brotherly love conti-