Chap. i8. eftn 8xpofati®n upon the Took, of J o B. Verf.S. 23 T o B. Chap, t 8. Verf. 5, 6,75.8,9, 10. Tea, the light of thewicl¿edfhall be put oast, and thefpark orrisfire fall not tine. 7 he light fhald be dark in his Tabernacle, and his candle (hall be putout with him. The fieps of bir firength fall befi`raitned, and his on'ne coin.fell (ball caj him dorane. For he is call into a net by his ownefeet, and he walketh upon a fnare.. The grin [ball take him by the hale, and the robberfhall prevaile againfi bina. Thefnare is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way. 1 Tea, the light ofthe nicked 'hall be put ont, and thefpark. ofhis fire 'hall not Thine. THe miferable condition ofa wicked man is laid forth In this Chapter. Firft, Allegorically. Secondly, Plainly. By way ofAllegory to the r7th Verfe; and in plaine expreffi- ons tothe end ofthe Chapter. Here are foureAllegories. The firft from light, verf. 5, 6. The fecund:from hunting and fowling,verf. 7, 8, 9, i o. The third from Law- proceedings, or themanner of in Courts ofJuftice,.verf .I I, I2, 13, 14, 1.5.. The Taft Allegory is taken from husbandry, verf. 16. The 5th and 6th Nonne eie ïm, 5 Verfes contain the &Pc Allegory ;: Yea; the pia auferetur light ofthe wickedJhall be put out. The Vulgarreads it interroga- Vulg. tively, Shall not the light ofthe wicked beput out 3 But the. Origi- nail is abfolute; The light of the wicked (hall be put out. ®] Gam, The firíl word bath an emphafis in it; Tea, the light of the èreourotor wick edfbalbbeput out. Tea, imports avehement affirmation,carry- I,rists dtíla:. ing