3ca Chap. i$, t/fn é'xportiors upon the Bock of JO B. erf.6 comforts when the loweft means of comfort ( bread and can- dle-light ) are removed then all comfort is removed. So ( Revel. 18. 23.) the detfrudion of Babylon is defcribed; The voyce ofharpers, andmuftians, andpipers, and trumpeters, fball be heard no more at all in thee, and no craftfrnan, of whatfoever craft Ire bc, flall befoundany more in thee ; and thefound of a million fball be heard no more at all in thee, and the light ofa candle (ball Thine no more at all in thee. That is, thou fhalt be utterly over- throwne, and rained ; where there is not fo muchas the light of candle found, what ofmercy can be found ? ( Rev. 22. 5.) When theHoly-Ghoft would exprefs a Prate which íhould need no crea- ture-comfort, he faith, There (ball be no night there,and they need no candle, neither the light of the Sun : The Sun is the light of the day, and the candle is the light ofthe night. Now as the full pro- fperity ofa people is fet out, when they (hail have fo much light, fo much fpirituall or glorious light, that they (hall not need the Sun, nor the candle : So the total! ruine ofNations, or perfons, is fet forth when theyhave neither Sun- light, norcandle-light. Trot/ 30. 13. The light ofthe righteous rejoyceth; but the lamp of the wicked(hall be put out. eintiquitarante Some interpret Candle and light by Children or pofterity nova: nuptar, fo they fignifie ( Kings I I. 36.) where God being about at lampades once to punifh, and to fpare, faith to yeroboam, I will take the tech aceenfe præferri Tole. Kingdome out ofhis Sons hand, andI will give it unto thee, even éant. ten Tribes. Andunto his Son will Igive oneTribe, that `."Davidmy fervant may have a light alway before me in yeru[alem. We put in themargine according to the letter of the Hebrew, That `David myfervant may havea lamp, or a candle ; that is, fotneofhis po- ferity remaining and ruling in yernfalem ; his line (hall not be extinct. The woman of Tekoa callsher Son, her coale, (a Sam. 14. 7. ) So theyfhouldquench my coale which is left, andíhall not heave to my husband neither name nor remainder upon the earth. Ifwe take in this Scriptural! fence of the light and candle in the Text, it enformes us yet more fully, that when a wicked man is extinguifhed, all that is his (hall be extinguifhed, he, and his wealth, he, and his honour, he, and his children, he fhall perifh, and his candle with him his name (hall be blotted out,and there (hall be no memorial! ofhim. t.aftly, A Candlegoes out two wayes, either when the mat- ter