z Chap. z8, e4n erpofttion upon the Boole or ,C o E. ,doe not, others fhall. That's the fumme of this context.' Verf7. Theflops of hieftrengthfall befiraitned, &c. This lnewes the judgement in general! all beans and birds 1,Ffi eg' ta! an in nets, or fnares, are brought into a firait ; 77he flops of fans aZtione: o- hisfirm. th By [ Reps j we are to underftand his Motions; his pesa defde>ia allions, his undertakings; whatfoeverhelps him towards his-de- dT 'nil qui- fired end. #tus ap arúrn y And thefe are not ordinary Reps but the fteps ofhicftrength; hem contend, - , bat, that is, his ftrongeft Reps. Mr. Broughton reads,His violent pafJä- ges Jhall beRraitned Reps of firer gth, for RrongReps, is an Hebraifme very frequent. And thefe Repsof ftrength maybe Firit, The ftrength ofhis minde, and wit, there lyes much ftrength within;man orders and layes his defignes by the ftrength ofhis underftanding. Secondly, The ftrength ofhis authority ; for thereina mans ftrength lyes too; let fuch a man have ,- never 'fo much civili power, he fhall yet be ftraitned, Thirdly, The ftrength of his body, or of his hand ; theReps ofhis outward ftrength as well as of his inward, and authorita- tive ftrength, fhall be ftraitned. Fourthly, A man,fets Reps of ftrength, or addes ftrength to his Reps, by his friends, and relations, by his. -alliance and confederates, by the helps, and aids, by the fecónds and aRi- Rants which he bath abroad in the world. Every Rep which fome men fet , is upheld from without, they goe not alone. We may understand theText in any of, or in all thefe wayes. TheReps offtrength, or the ttrongeft Reps which he lets by the ftrength ofhis underftanding, or by the ftrength of his autho- rity, or by the ftrengthof his body, or by the ftrength ofhis friends, and relations, the Reps of all thefe ftrengths thallbe ftraitned. ?Ts;srgüflear Further; The original! word.fignifies not ordinary ftrength, Porentra''n zilam . or ftrength ingeneral! ;' but that ftrength which is ufually 'ac- qoa coujurrFfa companied with trouble, and with. that trouble which !owes tire lotes cairn P dotore, quern from, or is the ifl-ue of fin; a painful! ftrength. For as many jais peccande have painfull weakneffes upon them fo Tome have painful! ibi vet all ;, in" ftrength And hence alfo the Hebrew word lignifies riches,or Lott. "''''' power, which are.unjufily gotten, and as unjuttly kept. This kinde Verf.7