Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 18. An expafation upon the Book of j OB. Verf 7. 35 into ftraits for his Confcience there are hundreds who are brought into ftraits by acting againft Confcience Some are brought into (traits for doing their dutie but moil for doing again{t dutie ; with whom are priions peopled, are they not with thofe whobreake their bounds ? who are generally in the ¡traits ofpoverty, while theywalke abroad, are they not filch as walke diforderly ? 'Tis fin which ufually cloatheth a man with raggs, and ( though fome are fed by it) which fnatcheth the bread out ofhis mouth ; Who are they that are brought into the ftraitsof a íhamefull death, and fall under the ftroakes of juftice ? are they not fuch as tranfgreffe the rules ofjuftice, and practically oppofc Government ? I grant there is a (trait into which force are brought by the clofenes of their walking with God , yea, by the enlargedneffeof their hearts towards God. Paul was in filch a {trait, (Phil.1.z3.) Then a man is in a {trait when he knowes not what to choofe ; I am in afitrait between two ; why ? 1 know not which to choofe, whether to live ordye ; it was the height of his grace which put him into this {trait : but O the {traits that men are brought into by the lownes andbafenes of their fpirits, their wickedneffe en- tangles them in fuch {traits that they knownot how to live, and yet are altogether unfit to dye. Further , The providence ofGod hath caft many into {traits too. yehofhaphat (2 Chron. zo. 1 z.) was brought into a great {trait when he Paid ; Lord, we know not what to doe, but our eyes are towards thee. When wicked men bring themfelves into (traits, they either defpaireofhelpe, or their eyes are towards the crea- ture fbr it. But when God brings his own people into (traits, their eyes are towards him for helpe. The providence of God brought 7ehofhaphat into thofe{traits; and the providenceof God brought him out of them and .gave him not onely enlarge- ment, but renowne and glory ; God can quickly recompence us for all the evills which he layes upon us, but fin cannot. Sin can wound but it cannot heale, it calls into ftraits, but it cannot enlarge. And fin brings not onely wicked men but even good men to (iraits,.even to great (traits. What was it that koi,Ight Da- vid into that condition (2 Sam. 24. 14. ) when he laid; I am in aáreatfirait ; Was k not his fin ? when he would needs be num- F 2 bring