38 Chap. 18. An Expel/rim upon the Book of JOB. Verf 7, ... pillars, like the two pillars fpoken of in Solomon Temple, ya. chin and Boaz, which fignified, He 'hallefiablifb andfirength. There are two pillars, of Nations and perlons; firft, Power ; fecondly, Policy or Counfell. Counfell is as much a mans firength as his ftrength is. Now that it might appeare, that a wicked man (ball have all his props pulled away, and all his pil- lars thrownedowne; As 'twas (hewedin the -former part of the verle, that his tirength (ball not helpe him fo here, 'tis (hewed that his craft and counfell (hall not. And this is fpoken not bare- ly, but with an aggravation; For, firft, That his counfell tball not help him, is bad enough ; but his counfell fhall call him donne, andthat is farre worfe ; Secondly, Ithad been a fore afilidion to have faid ofhis counfell, as he laid ofhisitterigth, it thall be ftrait- ned , or overthrowne but he faith that which is farre more arliiftive, hiscounfell fhall overthrow him, his counfellsfhall cafe him donne. Thirdly It had been a great judgement to have laid, his counfell Bull be cati downe, but it is a farre greater to fay, his counfell lbwl caft him donne. There is nodifficultie in thefe words ; therefore I will but give you two or three notes upon them. Firit learne ; The vanitie ofall helps without god. Strength cannot prevaile, and counfell thall not. Gods coun- fell cannot be throwne downe, and therefore it will hold us up from falling. But that counfel ( and fuch is the bell of mens ) which may be throwne downe it felfe can never keep us from falling. As Richesprevailenot in the day ofwrath, (Pro. j 1, 4. ) to wifdome and wit (hall not prevaile in the day of wrath. Though you could give counfels as deep as hell yet they cannot proteft you froma hell of troubles here, or a hell of torment af- ter. There is no trufting to any thing without God ifthefe two pillars be pulled away, itrength and counfel, upon what balls fhall a man eflablifh himfelfe. Againe Here is not onely (hewed the inabilitie of counfels zo fupport a mán ; but here is (hewed the aciivitie of counfels againft a man, his counfels than caft him downe. Hence obferve ; God turnes the counfels andprojects o Wicked pneu upon their awn heads, or againfi themielves: This