Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 18. 44n Expofîtion upon the Rook of J OB. Vert, 7. 39 This íhewes the extreame vanitie of humane policie, as fepe rated from holy policie, or from the wifdome which is from above; feeing it is not onely unable to help us, but it doth us hurt. As that which thews the extreame wickedneffe of mans heart by nature, is this, that it is not onely unable to doe good ; but it is vehemently active againft rood, and Pets it felfe againft she whole Law of God and would overthrow it or calf it downe. Nature loth not onely pull her hand from the worke of G o D but puts out her hand to refill it. So that which (hewes the extreame vanitie of the counfels of men is this, that theyare not onely weake to helpe them but ftrong to ruine them The Pfalmifl: tells us ( Tfal. 64. 8.) godfhall'hoot at them with his arron fuddenly; fo they /hall make their elan tongues tofall upon themfelves , all they that fee them /ball flee away ; (A text formerly toucht at, vet confider it againe) how doth a mans tongue fall upon himfelfe ? or Wit loth, what hurt is there in that? what weight is in a mans tongue ? it is a little piece of flefh, . there isnot a bone in it, and I am fure it can breake no bones where it falls ? The tongue is here taken tropically for words fpoken, orcounfels given by the tongue. So that when he faith, their tongues ¡ball fall, his meaning is their counfels (hall fallupon themfelves and be their fall. It is an old Adage; conflium m a willcounfell is wort to the counfeller. It may doe hurt to thole lum cot falrori againft whom it is given, but it (hall certainly doe them hurt Peffinru -m by whom it is given. (Pfeil. 7. 15. ) He madeapit, and digged it, and isfallen into the ditchwhich he made ; his mifchiefe (ball re- turne upen ú ;wn head. Themaking ofa pit, is onely the laying of plots, or the letting ofdefignes to doe mifchiefe thefe (hall be moft mifchievous to the defigners. ( Pfeil 9. z7. ), The Lord is knowne by the judgement which he executes : That is, it appeares God bath done it, he doth it fo exactly :'why ? he gives infiance' in the latter end ofthe verfe ; The wicked isfnared in the worke cf his own hands, that is, his own counfels (hall call: him downe, (Pro. 26.27. ) who fo diggetha pit, /hallfall therein, and he that rolleth afrone, it /hall returne upon him. Doth every man fall into the pit that he diggs ? is every man bruifed with the (tone that he rolls ? No ; There may be juft caufe to dig pits. The meaning, is, he that digs a pit to catch others. But (hall every one that digs a pit to catchothers,, fall into it ? I thinke not fo neither. We: