Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. r8. An E'xpofition upon the Rook of JOB. Verf 7 carry in reference to them ifthey get no good by it, you (hall ; your peace (hall returne into your own bofomes your prayers, and good wi(hes (hail not vaniíh into ayre, your peace ilia returne , or let it returne, take it home againe. On the other fide, when a wicked man intends mifchiefe, or wifheth a curie upon the godly , when he plots evill againft them, and hath done his worft his curfe flail not come ; Though God may leave them under fome outward evill , yet the curie (hall not come upon them, becaufe the curfe caufeleffeJballnot come. As the wicked world, is not worthy of them, or of the bleffing which God gives with them, fo they are unworthy of the curie which the wicked world ( of which gifts they are very bountiful!) gives ocie againft them. What becomes of it then ? Itfhall re- turne upon the headof the wicked, and they (hall be burdened with their owne devices See more of this fubje t , Chap. S, rer/: 13. Take one thing further from this verle ; His own counfel Asti raft him downe. Connie! is a very precious thing, yet that Chad undoe the wicked. Thennote; The heft thing which an ungodly man bath , 14a11ium to his Burt. There is nothing in the world, of'a worldly nature, but may doe s harme. Onely the graceofGod, the favour ofGod, can never doe us hurt , thefe never cart us downe : your wit may undoe you, your parts and your counfels may undoe you, but holines never undid any man; humbleneffe of minde, fin- ceritie, faith cannot be accufed as guilty of any mans fall. I ne- ver heard an inftance of a man call downe by faith , catt downe by love, undone by meekne(fe, or humilitie. But how many have beenundone, by their proud wit, and high parts, by their cunning and their counfels. Surely, the heft of naturall thirigt may prove our ruine , if counfel may. Counfel is the fpirit or quinteffence of reafon; reafon drops out and diftills it felfe in- to counfel ; yet this may prove mortall and poyfonous. That extenfive promife is given to the Saints, (Rom. 8.:8.) All thing!Jha/l work together for their good. Among thole all things, we may even take in their fins ; among thole all things we may take in their . weakneffes , their ' ignorances their frmplicitie; G The