Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

} Chap. r 8. A# Expo!tiosí upon the pock of JO B. Verf. 8. The vermes Of a carnali man worke him ill, when as the very fins ofa gracious heart workhim good. Though the godly have low parts, and are unable toadvife themfelves, much leffe others, yet this that! not call them downe. They fhall thrive better by their ignorances and inabilities , then the other by their knowledge and fubtlety. From all we fee againe, that a totali overthrow is the portion ofthe wicked man, his ftrength shall be ftraitned. And becaufe many a man, who hath loft all his ftrength, hath yet a cunning pate therefore 'tis added , Has counfel.Tall caft hivzz downe : if a man can neither profiler by counfel, nor ftrength in what a con- po'us aut vie. dition is he? It was Paid ofold, who wouldrequire in an ádverfa- inc , f4K in rie, cunning, orftrength ? It is a hard choice which todefire, whe- hoefe re¡817er ? ther a mighty, or a fubtle enemy : but when we dealèwith an ene- my that hath neither ftrength; nor fubtiltie, or ifhe have, both his ftrength (hall be ftraitned, and his counfel (hall be deftroved, why #would we feare him ? Ifyou aske, how comes it to paffe, that the counfels of a wicked man !hall caft himdown? I anfwer,Some times,, notwithftanding his great wit, he gives foolifh counfel. Secondly,Though he give counfel likean Oracle ;. yet God turnes that into. foolifhnefe. He can never thrive by counfel whole great underftanding is either fodarkned that he gives footifh coun- fel, or when he bath given wife counfel, yet fees it deferted, as if he were a foole. Bildad is (till defcribing the miferable Rate of a wicked man,, in application unto lob ) under the Allegory of Hunters or Fowlers. Firft, The wicked man thrower himfelfe into a fr.are, as was feene at the clofeof the former verfe, and is further profecuted in this. Verf. 8. For he rs caft into a net by his ownfeete, and he walketh. upon a feare. Secondly , Others (hall fet a film for him. Verf. 9, io. Thegrin(ball take himby the heck, and the Robber !hallprevaile againft him, &c. So that, the{traits into which this man (hall fall, are oftwo forts : Someof his ownmaking, and others which are made by Ns. enemies. fn: i