46 Chip. 18. An Expejtion upon the Rook JOB. Vert' 8, 4.t / Secondly, Obferve ; That as a 04;4mankeepes not the way which god hath ap- point fh, he comes not to the end which himfelfe expebled. He is walking in the way of finne, and God brings him to punifhment, and into fnares , there is his end which he looked not for.; bee goes he knowes not whither ; as Chrift fpeakes, roh. 12. 3 5. ) He that wakes indark,nefe (that is, in ignorance, or in an evill way, what ofhim i) he knowes- not whither he goes. But doth not a man that walkes in darkneffe and ignorance pro- pole forne end to himfelfe ? yes, he doth, efpecially fuch as are here fpokenof; men full of parts, counfel, and wifdome, thefe are flail dfdefignes ; but though they are, yet they know not whi- ther they goe, becaufe they fhall not goe to that which themfelves have defigned, but they fhall goe to that whither the ¡nib judge- ment ofGoddetermines them. He knowes not whither he goes ; An ignorant man walkes indarkneffe, and becaufe he is ignorant ofGods way, he mifl'eth his own end, he propofeth happineffe to himfelfe, and he falls into mifchiefe ; thushe knowes not whi- therhe goes ; wicked men are great lovers of themfelves, and it is out of felfe-love that they goe in fuch wayes as prove nets to themfelves. They goemeerely to rave or exalt themfelves, but they colt downe and defiroy themfelves; thus they know not whither they goe. 1,11,411 Thirdly Obferve It id fevere judgement of God upon ricked men, that thej Aould 6e the meanes oftheir mite ruine. That their own feete fhould caft them into anet ; this fpeaks wrath pour'd out .1pon them ; as it is a great, mercy whenGod di- reas his people to ufe the proper meanes of their own laying and deliverance, helping them to walke in Inch wayes, as have a ten- dency to their own good ; fo it is a judgement ofGodupon wick- ed men, when they through ignorance, or objlinacy, betray their own peace, or run defperately upon their own deftruclion. Andare call intoanet by their own feete. Solomon in the firft ofthe Proverbs, verf i8. dehorts the youpgr man from ill company, and intifers to finne, by this argument; Theirfeete (faith he) ron to evill,andmake hafte to 'bedblond, &c. rind