Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2t. An Expofttion ispon the Baolt,of J o B. e'r{. 7. 65j he is called the ancient ofdays. Now:Though .the, Lord be the 17217;711,/ ancient ofdays, yet there is no decay upon the Lord, he is as aa, colas c);ss thong and as powerful! now, as he ever was, aid fo he Grail be Bret non drfici end t.nt aui rernper to everlatling. As his years fayle not,or have no (P/. toe. n - }, 27. ) fo hisftrength fayleth nor, nor bath any end, his power is not abated, his hand is not fhortned by time, no nor by eter- nitie. Thus (in proportion) the are to underhand it here, fob ,saw wicked men, having an old age like youth, a winter with a spring in it, niturall vigour flowailing, when (as Solomon de- fcribes old 'age Eccl. 12 j.) Tke Almond tree fi nrár?hed There is yet a third ltep, 74, obYècaçed wicked-Men not onely to live and grow old, but To be mightie io In the two former words, to live, andbecome ald,we had their natural! power, in this their civil!. They are mightie, or, freng i4p1 pollen thened in palter. The word whichwe traullate peer., fignifies bK . Nam ín all() riches. Thus !bale render it here,rkey are mightie in riches, oibu Fotentia ,faith Mr Rroc, bton, Riches are fo expreit, becaufe-there is a Moninifconfifíit, power in them, and moll rich men are powerful! men. The Conf t2tia7vi- Chaldee paraphrafe'gives this reading, yeaTheygaiher riches tijs. Vulg. Some glowold and pore, they Toole their wealth, whilethey ants Dvápus. heape up dayes ; These grow old,andgather ricbes.SO that now Tharg. we areat the height ofthe wicked mans prosperitie, he lives many dayes, and with. many dayes he bath aboundance ofri- ches, and with his riches power and authoritie ; for that is a sew cond fignificationofthe Word, which our trarflation rather inclines to. He is not, but a powerful! man, he is cloathed withauthoritie and command ; he is advanced toMa- giftracie, and all submit tohim ; He is the head, and clothwhat he pleafit`ì ; he fpeaks and all obey, him; He is mightie"in power. This is the highett step of thewicked mans profperitiie. The Vivia ¡mob, Q.atonr long agoefpake with indignation concerning`Cate-, Senauen vent. Cic. de.Cacil..,, line the conspirator, The man lives, headds, andcomes into the Senate ; As if he had.faid, it is too much for this man to live yet behold he lives inpower and authoritie. So, b to let forth the gloryofwicked men, faith, They live,andbecomcold, Andare mightie`inpomer. They are placed.upon:the very pinna- cle ofhonour; and are lifted'up above their brethren.From the perfo-