Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

656 Chap. za. An Expo(ition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 8ó perfonall profperitie ofwicked men, yob proceeds to that of their relations. Vert. 8. Their feed it tflablifhed in theirfight with them, and their off .ring before their eyes. Not onel y are they, but their children alto are eftablifhed. This is a great addition to their worldly happinefs. Araham was a man poffeffed ofgreat riches and power, and (which was more thenall his poffeflions) God told him (Gen.15.1.)!am Eby Sheild and thy exceedinggreat reward ; yet Abraham fa id, Lord god, what wilt thougive we, feeing Igoe cbildleffe,verf. 2. This want fowredall his enjoyments, though he were thebelt. ved ofGod, yet he was pinchedwith this,Igoe cbildleffe.Achild was more to him then all other worldly gifts ; yet, I grant, it was not a meere naturali childe which he waited for, but a childe ofpromife.So that his feare wasnot (indeed) fo much that he fhould have nochildren, but left the promife of the bleffed feed fhould not be accomplifhed in him. Such a childe was moft in his eye, nevertheleffe, a childe was much in his eye, as that bleflìngwithout which all his outward b'efíings would come fhort ofhis deliires andbe imperfect. Therefore lobdefcribes the profperitie ofwicked men, not onely by their riches, and abundance : but by theirchildren. Their feed s efia- bli/hed in their. fight. Theirfeed] That is, by ordinarie metonymic, their children areellablifhed The word lignifies to ftablifh; firft, firmely; fecondly, to eftablifh orderly and rightly, or an exactneffe ofef ablifhmenr, David ufeth this word in his prayer to God about the fettle- ment ofhis own houfe(z Sam, 7. 26. )Let thy name be magnifi- ed fr ever,faying the Lord ofHogs is the Gad over Ifrael,and let the houfe n fthyfervant Davidbe eflablìfbed before the,that is,let the potteritieofDavid be orderly flablifhed. And it isapplyed to the fettlement ofall the Saints in their generations ('Pal. a o2.28.)The childrenof thyfervantsfball continue,theirfeedAal be fiablifhed bfore,thee.They (hall continue, and not onely con- tinue but be ftrong, they (ball have anorderly and a firme ella- blifhment. Thus( faith rob) the feedofthe wicked isofabli/hed And which is more, they are eftablifhed in theirfight. It is a blef ling