Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. z T. expafition upon the Iloo(of J o s. Vert. 8. bleiling to have them efablifbed, but 'cis a greater b'efftng to have them eftablifhed in their fight, It adds to the bieflìng that their children should not onely profper, but that they should fee it. The Hebrew is, before their face ; it is a great -gg;avati- Ad fades res es. on of our forrow when our children come tomiferie before Turn. lieb. our face. Ns it is laid, pre, 39.6. The Kingof Babylonflew the funs ofZedekiah before his eyes. He not onely flew his Ions, but made him witnes ofit; Zedekiahs own eyes were put out short. ly after"(his sorrow had been leffe if they had been put out be- fore he had beheld that doleful! fpedacle) the crud! death of his owne children. The glory of the childrenofGod fhall aff tua the wicked, becaufe they (hall tee it. Chrift puts that in exprefly (Luk. 13. z8. )Whenyore Ballfee Rbraham,Ifaae, and yacob, ßt down in the Kingdomof heaven,andyeyour(elvesJhall be thra fii our. They fhatl enter heaven before your eyes,' or in your fight,you (hall fee them.If they fhould not fee them there it would not trouble them fo much:but to fee them happie,will be their miferie. Now, asiris anafflidion for any man to fee his children flame before his eyes, or to fee the profperitieof others, before his eyes. in which hecannot partake : fo to have our children profper before our eye;, and our feed exalted in our fight, is a great advancement ofour happineffe. Ifa father hath onely a promife that when he is dead his children fhall profper, this comforts him : but when himfelfe lives to fee it, this is much more comfortable. This mercie lob tooke notice ofas the portionof the wicked : Their feed are eiabliJhed in their light. Further, The word in the original! which we tranflare in theirfight, is ufed fometimes comparatively,or by wayoffimi- litude,(Chap. 4. I9.)They fhall be crufhedbefore, or as faon as 'id fades es- the moath . The Hebrew is, They (ball be crtí/hed before the face Tum, i. e. ficus of the math : that is, as Toone as you can truth a moats fo are het quantum the proudeft crushed by the handofGod, Thus, fome expound ttf here, Their Geed isflablifhed in their (;ght,that is,ar much as they, as they live long, fo their children, as they become old, fo doe their 'children. They and theirs profper together,or theirs profper as well as they. 657 PPPP tnd