Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

658 Chap. 2t. arfx expofition upon the Bookof 4ná their i f fpring before their eyes. o Y: Ycr(. $. ryas s This claufe is ofthe fame meaning with the former;the word Prermina,appef of fpring,fignifies the fhoot of a.tree,or a (prig that growsour }anta+r abexeus of the earth children are as plants and & f ri s Inboth parts rgs.r as sx,7, ; P P. g P psvo L # dicx. he anfwers what Z,.pvar fpake(; told. P, IDs iè That hi, children Jhcosldfeekie pleafe the pocve ; that is, his chil- dren (l-muld he brought to Itach a low and meanecondition, that they mutt fubmitto the lotvefl, and ambitioufly purfue the favour of the meaneft, even leek to pleafe the poore. Now, faith 76l9, myobfervation(and fo mayyours) bath taught rue otherwife, I have often Peen the feed ofwicked, men eflablifbed in their fight, and theirofffpring before their eyes. He anfwers alfo that ofEliphaz (ch. r g. 3 3.) He fliall (hake offhis srripe grapes as the vine, and!hall c2 ft ffhu flower nos the Olive ; That is, his children (ball come to an immature end., they fhall dye in. ¿heiryouth, yea in their infancie. But ( faith Tob ),I have feene the feed of the wicked eflablifhed,they have lived long.& taken root, and come tomaturitie ; they have not been fhaken offas" unripe grapes, and as the flower of the Olive. The Prophet Ifáiah feems to oppofe job's experience,and to fubfcribe to theopinionof his friends, (Ito. 14. 20, 2 I. ) The foraof evil) doers fhall never be renowned : Prepare (laughter for his children,for the inigoaitie of their fathers, I anfwer. The Original Text, may be thus rendred in the letter ; The feedofevil). doers (hall not be called( or renowned ) for ever , As if he had laid ; Suppofe they havea name for a while,_ or be eftablifbed in the fight of their fathers, that is, while they live yet this (hall not !aft alwayes, ere long they (hall be cut off; we tranflate, not for ever,by never,or,not at all; Which mutt be underftoodof the continuance oftheir feed in renowne. Nor cloth that which fob afferts, the profperitie of forne one or more of the feed ofa wicked man (land in the light of the Prophets pofition ; That thefeed ofevill doers are not renownedfor ever ; or that they (hall never be renowned. Pore the Prophet fpeaks according to the generali ruleand lawof Gods proceedings with wickedmen, by which as themfelves, are ufually cut off, fo alto are their feed, and pot/critic too ;_ hut,.as molt other generall rules have their exceptions, fo alto hash