Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. eAi Expo/itian upon the73ookof j o s. Verf. 9, huh this. Grammarians give generali rules about thego v ern- ment ofwords, yet they have heteroclits and anamolies, which vary from the ordinarie conftruetion : fo the wifedome and Juftice of God propofe generali rules of adminittration towards men, and this among the retì, is a foreand noble One,that The feedrfeviil. deer., fn:sllnever be renowned,yet the Lord hath fore except caes,wherein he fhewethhis own hbertieand foveraign- tiein permitting the feed ofevill doers to profper for a time But he will make it good in thedole, that The feeedof evido- er's fhalï neverbe renowned. Merl 9. Their /goalie arefafe from feare, neither is the red of God upon them. This temporal flourifhing eftate ofa wickedman is here fur- t her defcribed : we heard before, firtt, of his perfonal profpe- ritie ; fecondly,of the profperitieof hischildren: This verfeex. tends it to his whole family. Firft, Affirmatively. Secondly, Negatively. We'have theaffirmative part in the beginning of the verfe; Their hoofer are fafe fret); feare ;that is, they have peace in their houles. Underhand by their houles notonly thedwelling place it feife, their feat, but all that they have in and about their hou- ol-Ar1 dur fes,al? are fafe from feare.The Hebrew is Their honfet are peace rerun, pax e,i_ fromfeare , that is, their houles are fofarce are, that there is nar,,aceam trmÁ nothing in theirhomes but pcace,a houle full ofpeace,is a hoofs yuiüpe .f omnm full ofgood things. This maybe expounded two wayes: their rirrorir ewers. hou/sarefall ofpeace ; That is, I eneuola coca Firft, Their houfhold, their fervants, their children, all that 1.00 1em.fl i- belong to them, are at peace one with another,there is no con- "nun. motion, no bitterneffe of fpirit, no breach among them. The content of domeflicks, is a great mercy. Diffention endanger families as well as Nations and hinder the profperitie of them : where force goe one way and Tome another,ulually (as to com- mon good ) they all goewrong. A bottle (faith Chrift) divided aóainf it /elfe cannotfiand. Secondly, As it notes harmony and good agreement among the perlons, fo the quiet pof efhon ofthe goods ofthe houle: secara poffe All that he hath laid up in his houle is,at peace from feare : bonorum. P p p p -z theeves 659