Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

66o Chap. 2I . srin Expofition upon the Tookof J o S. Verf. 9, theeves doe not breake through and fteale, nor anyofthe fops of violence come openly upon him to make him afraid. And as they are free from prefect danger, fo from the very feare of it : Theirhoufes are fafe or peacefrom feare. This word was ufed ordinarily b; the ?ewes in their falutations, as con tainingthe wifh ofall welfare to a perfonor family(ISam.25. 5.)Thrra /hz&youtejay to him that lives in profperitie, (that is, to Na'bal)7'eacebe to thee,and to thy houfe,and toall that thouhaft. Here is a threefold diftribution of peace : firft, Peace to him, fecondl y, To hiefamily, and thirdly, To all that he had. Thus here, theyhave peace from feare, or are fafe from feare : they, their families, and their goods, they have no breach, no diffen- tion among themfelves, no invafion, no violence from abroad. What can be defired more to the compleating ofoutward pro. fperitie ? Neither it the rod of God upon them. Thefe words containe the negative part of their profperitie. The rod ofGod may be opposed unto the rodofmen. Their bonfes are fafefromfeare: that is, from any violence ufed by man, Neither is the rod of godupm them.There are Tome houfes that are not viftted with any evil from the creature , The thiefe cloth not breake through nor fteale their treafutes, yet their treafure is ddlroyed'by the rod ofGod. There are fume whole cattell are fate from the violence ofmen,Sabeans and Chaldeani do not invade them, yet the rod ofGnd d flipates their flocks 1.0e17 d r and his curie Bates them up therefore lob, to let out the per- pa av4 e a fed happineffeofa wicked man in temporal's, tells us, that as kwn av he haft: no troub'e eyther fromneighbours, or ['hangers, fo 707"5. Scp neither is the rodof Godupon him. Immediate evils are pro- raga divioes.perty called the rod' ofGod, when we fee nohand that fmites 'nfl a eft vir us, then (in fin gq drt. Drat d fence) the rod ofGod Imites us. Secondly, By the rod of Godwe may allo underfland thofe afflictions which we receive mediately by the had of man. Cruel men are exprefly (inScripture) called' the rodof God. (Ifa. :6. 5.)0 Afyrian, the rod ofmine anger, and the fafe in their hand is mine indignation. Godmade that Princehis rod to (courge and vex his own people. And force of the great crou- 'biers of the world, andfpoylers ofthe Nations with fire and fword