Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

chap. 2I: An Expofition upon the B00%of ,J o B. Verf 9. 66r fword, have with a kinde ofambition, taken then tide upon F! e2 m dei, them, and would beknown by this name, The fcotege cfC'od. re avit At- Faraw, The rode! god may be confidered in oppoficion to the rod ofman, not onely as to the differenceof the hand that (mites, but alfo as to the difference of the degree or meafure in which we are (mitten. So fome expound this Text , The rodof God id not upon them ; That is, there is no heavy,no fore, rod up. .on them. Thus asby a known Scripture-hebraifine, The river . of rod notes any very pleafant and commodious river, and the mountaine or bill of god , a very high and Itrong hill or moun Caine ; fo the rod ofGod (by the fame Hebraifine) is a heavie rod or any extreamely prefíìng and painfull afietion.We have this oppofition intimated (z Sam.7. 14.) I will be father, dr he ¡bd be my fon,ifhe commit iniquity,l will chafgen himwith the rod of men, and with thefiripet of the children ofmen. As ifhe had Paid (in complyance with this expof,tion ) If thy fon fin, he (hall not efcape the rod, onely I will correc him gently ; I will chaftife himwith the rodof men, that is, with fuch a rod as men chattife with, or are cha:tifed with. I will chaflile him with loch rods as the weak acmeofman ufeth ;I will net bring heavy and breaking judgements upon him, I will not put out my power tocrufh him, I will not chaften him with the rod of God, butI will chailife him with filch a rod as a man may wield. What are the ftripes and Itroakes which men give in comparifonof thofe which God can give? Againe, Take the rod of men for fuch rods as men ufe to r y= irga Anap be correctedand chafifed with ; lo, we may take notice oftwo chin;;orte,No. words ufed in thatText ofSamtuell; firft,The rod o fmen( /limp. biIi nïs mi. 1 chino) that is, fay forne, fuch a rod as is layd on the children- arì i9 rnt c ft ofhonourable men, who are not corrected as (laves and infe- i virga IPtào rior perlons ufually are. The childrenof great men are chaff- ,,,,,, Adan,,;e, ned with a leffer rod, or they are not fo feverely dealt with as f o,ilirem b t)le others. Secondly, The gripes of the children of men or ofAdam ; ex terra eon- that is, of weak and fraile ones; whole original is from the dui:i. Jtantium, As if theLord had Paid ; if thy fon fin , and fo provoke me to- puni(h him, yet I will remember that he is but earth and clay, and (hall accordingly moderate my hand ; His (hall be but fuch ftripes as one of the childrenof men, duff and flies, may well beare. Betides, the Hebrew word which we translate ftripes, fgnifies