Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

66z Chap. 2t, 1Ín Expolitiön on the Book of J o B. Vert . t oa lignifies rather touches, I wilÇchaften himwith the touches of the children ofmen, he fhall have bu: a touch. Now as that affirmative promife inSamuel, I wolf cha/len himwith the rod of men,fo this negative experience of7ob,The rod ofGod is hat upon them, may import onely ffineeafier and more gentle affiietion. As if fob had laid,I lee the houlesof the wicked lafe from feare and if troublecome upon them, 'cis not alwages to ruine and prefent defiruáion.The rod ofGod is not uponthem as you my friends affirme. Yob having thus difcovered the happinefs ofwicked men in the fettlement oftheir feed, and in the fafetie oftheir familie alfo in the encreafe of their Rocks and cattell. lob's profperitie was defcribed by Oxen and Sheep, by Affes and Camels (Chap. a.) andhe alto had obferved the word of men abounding in this peece ofprofperitie. Veri. to. Ttieir Bullgendretb, and failethnot, their Cow cabeeth, andcafleth not her calfe. Of thefe.words I (hall onely fay, that they are an expreßïon of the fruitfull breedingof cattell, and that a very full one : 7,b fpeakes of the fruitfulneffe both of the male and female cattell, of the Bull andof the Cow difinc`tly ; and of both (to affure the truth more) he fpeakes two wayes Firft, affir- matively ; and, fecondly, Negatively. Their Tullgendreth,their Cow calveth ; There's the affirmative part ; Their Bull fayleth not, their Cow cafleth not her Calfe ; There's the negative part of this outward bleffing. When cattellhave confiant concepti- on andnoabortion, they mutt needs multiplyexceedingly. 7, cob ufeth this argument toconvince his ungraeful uncle Laban, ofthe great bleffing which is flock had under his care,(gen.3 i .) 3 )Tbefe twentyyeares have l bees with thee,thy Ewes and thy She goates have not call theiryoung. TheLord puts this into the formeofa promife to theNation of the ?ewes, ( Exod. 23. a6. There fhdll nothing call theiryonng, nor be barren in the Lind. And againe (Deist. 7. 14. ) Thou fhalt be bleffedabove all people, there /hall not be maleorfemale barren among you, or a- mongyour cattell. The Pfalmift numbers this among the blef- fings which render a people happy ; Happy (faith he,Pf. r44. 13,14,15 ) is thatpeóple that is infuch acafe,having their Oxen flrong