Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2r.' At: Expofition upon the Bookef ,j o a. Verf I I. 663 firong to labour,and their Sheepe bringingforth thoufands,and ten thou/ands in their fireets ;But molt happy(as he there concludes) is that people, whore God ts'the Lord. Themenof this world, re- ceive thole bleffings from the Generali providence of God, which his own people receive by fpeciall promífe; And though marry wicked men have corns and cattell from the Lord, yet noneof them have the Lord for their God. Teas farre lob bath {hewed us thewicked fnlí of dayes, and full of riches. In the next placehe thewes them and their children rejoycing in this fulnefs, and laying to their foules. Let us eate, drinke, and bo merry till we dye. How many are there who have goods layd upfor many yeares, who yet never had one ferions thought of laying up any thing for eternitie ?` o n, Chap. 21. Verf. I 2, 13. Theyfend forth their little cnti°s like aiocl¿,and their chil- drendance. They t>f/;e the'.t innbrillandHarp,and rejoyce at thefound of the Organ. fpend their dayes inwealth, and in a moment goe down to the grave. oB bath already defcribed the outward felicitie ofmany wicked men ; firlt, by long life ; fecondly, by their riches ; thirdly, by their power : fourthly, by the flóuriihingof their children , fifthly, by the fecurity oftheir eftate, they are fafe from the violenceofmen, and free from the rod ofGod ; 6xthly,by the abundance oftheir cattell he proceeds in thee three verles to defcribe their felicitie, by the pleafure and worldly pompe, in which they live,and by the eafineffe oftheir death. Somemen live and increafe in riches, theyhave much corne, many children, a full and fecure eftate, no confiderable croffe upon them, yet they take no pleafure, no contentments in all this. Solomon defcribn fuch a man (Ecel. 6. 2.) to whom God bathgiven riches,wealth,& honor,fo that he wantethnothing. Pr hiefoul ofall that be defsreth,yet godgiveth bin; not power to eats.