Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

52 Chap. 18. vfn ex4ofition slow the Bock, ssf J o a. Verf' fore he come to his graft, he final! be catcht, fame mifchiefe (hall fall upon him , or he fhall All into mifchiefe, he may profper a great while, but the grinne (hall catch him by the heele,, it will_ have him towards theend ofhis life. But I palls that. e.efnd the rcbber(hallprevaile againfl him. ,off, pre 1\1. Broughtonreades it,thefàva,e /hall lay holdon him;the word do, lati, good which we tranflate rebter , lignifies any wilde barbarous fort of Gomm eat. men, who live out of rule and order; properly a marl that lets . his havre grow difQrderly, becaufe robbers and violent perfons c°wire"r ufe to let their havre grow fo , either to ,difguife themfelves, fet eibom r- or terrifie others. Some by the Robber, underftand the poore r nim*ru venator jive others, hisrich creditors; we,.in purfuance of theAllegory,, may auceps. Jun: call the R'66er the hunter, or the wood- man , who fers the grinne, and layes the fnare, thisman, this cunning hunter pre-, vailes agairslt him. When the hunterbath fet his grime for the bird or beaft, as foone,as they are caught, he comes in and pre- vai}es upon them. The grinne Both not kill, but hold faft till the bunter cornes. The grinne 'hall take him by the here, and ehr hunter or robber Jhaltprevaileover him. Sa we tranflate theword, Further, the word lignifies also t thirfly one ;; hence the Vulgar tranflates in the ahftraci,ThirflfeoIlprevaileor wax hot upon him,: putting the abíiraft for the concrete, thirft for the thirfty one, Exardefcet con- Thirfl;ball prcvalle againfl him; which is thus explained,The wic. tra euri iL ked man is caught by the grinor toyle, and there hevexeth him- 1"9 ¡elfe till he is weary and thirfty, as beafts that are catcht in a toyle, vex themfelves and labour till they pant and breath forlife, and are very thirfty ; Thus the wicked mars (hall be catcht in a grinne, wherewith ftriving toget look , he becomes 'the-more troubled : It comes nere the fame fence ingenerali, which foever of thefe we take, namely, that thewicked man as he runs intoEthe fnare, fo there he (hall perifh, he (hall be held faft till the hunter makes an end of him, and he that lets the fnare deftroys him. Which falls in with the former interpretation, that the Lord in Juftice againfi wicked men, orders both the grinne tocatch, and the hunter or róbber to prevaile. Nerf ra,.