Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

664 Chap. 21. As Expolitiox upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 1 1 ó sate thereof, but afiranger eateth it this is vanitie, and it is an e- villdife fe ; therefore to compleat the outward felicitie of wic- ked men lob adds. Verf. r 1. They fend forth their little ones like af ,cke, ":and their childrendance, &c. Thus they live in pleafure. To whtch he fuperadds the fweetneffe, peaceableneffe , and quietneffe of theirdeath; verf. 13. They fpend their da_yes in ?s.ealtlo, andgoe dome to theirgrave in amoment. Theyfendihrth :heir little ones like aflock. They fend them forth under guardians and guides, fo a flock is Pent forth, children arenot fcàttered, but Pent in an fo-rr orderlyway; the originali whichwe tranflate little ones, figni- at r' fies any fort ofchildren , who are yet under government and eaatar q hg. tuition ;the wordbath a double derivation, firft, from a roote nto agenái 1i 'r. which fignifiesayoke, or labour, importing fuchyoung ones as litudtne'n e:thï are fit to be lent forth to leek imployment, or to lab )urin the bet, vet po:iris a world ; Secondly, from a rootewhich fignifies evill er wicked arts bit n Jlir.. tuft, unrighteoufneffe, naughtineffet intimating what our little hotiia c;+, g comes are, both by nature and in their lives till converted , even galadarn agent corrupt and depraved ; for though children are fo called from pyaveagunr om- their purity (fay forne) in the Latine, yet it is onely compara- ni1 Coe. tively, not abfolutely. Child,en may becalled white paper cô- FWD', uo. aredwith thofe who have lived long, blotted their lives beg de yurui. p g: Beoni: o with manyabominations, yet children have impurity in them, rig. Ling.Lar. our little ones are conceived in.fin ; and b:ought forth in ini. guide. The fpirit ofGod ufually gives names ordenominati. ons proper to the fE to ofthings and perfons:Children are pol- luted in nature, polluted alto in life andconverlation they are finfull, and what theydoe, theydoe frnfully : If children did not ca-ry corruption in theirnatures, they fhould not bears it in their names. And iflittleones are corrupt, how corrupt are they, who have perfe&edtheir corruption, having height- ned, and improved theflock offin, which they brought info theworld r Thefe little ones theyfendforth like aflock: that is, like a flocke offheepe; which implyeth three things. Firit That they had many children, a flocke of them ; flockes