Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. ,..ix expofition upon the Bowkof I o a. VerI. I t. flockes confilt of many ; to fendfirth as aflock, is a proverbial) frech, noting a multitude Pent forth. So the word is ufed (Tf 107.41.) Yet fettet b he the paare on high from<fiFticn,and mak.tb Sim families like a flock; that is, he maheth him Co have a numerous family, a great houle ; Abraham who had an army H his family (hearmed t! vo hundred men, all ofhis own houle) he had is family like a flocke, that is, many in his fami- ly : fo Ezk. 39 38. when the Lord would thew what a mul- titude his people thouldencreafe to, he faith, e-1s the fLckes of Hierufalem in herfolemne feat, fofhall the waft Cities he filled with flocks 'ofmen. Hierujalemwas filled with flocks ofcattell three times in the yeare, or at their three folemne feafts; the Lord promifed that the watt Cities which had no Inhabitants fhould be filled with flocks ofmen, that is, they thould have abundance of inhabitants, or be verypopulous. Secondly , As-the fending forth of little ones like aflocke imports their numbergreat, fo that they are under anorder, that they are governed ; for a flocke is ever under infpe&ion, ravage and wilde hafts have none to take care of them, or to overfee them, but flockesofeheepe have their Overfeers. Thirdly, Some interpret there words, They fendforth their children as a ftack,to note the union& love which was amongft them they lived together like a flocke. The union of the Churchof is fignifiedunder that notion, the Church is calledaflocke; Feare not little fluke (faith Chrift,Luk.t2.32.) The Church is a little flocke, in oppofition to the huge beards and droves of the men ofthe word, Saints are but few ; Firft , It is called a flocke, becaufe of the care and govern- ment ofJefus Chrift over it. Secondly , it is called a flocke becaufeit is diunitywithin it felfe. Though the Church be fcattered over the world, yet it bath a holy combination of the members, every breach there is a departure from their dutie and order. They fend forth theirlittle ones as aflocke. Thus he defcribes theirfelicitie in the education and difci- pline of their littleones. And their children dance. He Rill profecutes the allufion ofa flocke , for the word Q. q q 4 which 645