Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

666 Chap. 21 . tri sa E'xpofition upon the Bookof { o k. \erf. i i e which we render to dance, is applyed to calves 29. 6. ) where the Prophet thus defcribes theglorious powerof God ; He máketh them alto to skip like a Calfe; Lebanon andSyria like yóung Vnicvn '.The word is applyed an to rams and lambs ; Tf I i 4. 4 Themountaincs skpped like rams, and the little hill like lambs. 'Thn's they fend forth their little children like flocks, they dance and-skip ; which argues the profperitie of their fa. filly. Dancing may be taken twowayes, either firft ftri&ly for the exaó motion of the body in meafure, which is artificial! dam. cing; or fecondly, dancing is taken more largely, for any kind ofjoyfull movingof the body , for any bodily exercife in (port or play; this in a common fenfe is called dancing. We may take it here both wayes, their children dance, that is, they are inftrufted and taught the art of mufick and dancing, or there is rejoycing amongft them ; this is proper to the age Lulus iraHare. and flate of children. Some derive the Greek word for chit. mfrs eft pueris dren, from a rootewhich fi.gnifies to playor fport, as if play. le a lodo puer tng were the woek ofchildren, and fportiag all their labour. es,s:e,,'. Chrill himfelfe fprakes as if this were the trade ofchildren (Mat. it. 16.)Whereunto fballIliken this generation, they are like childrenfitting in 'th« r;arket place, ( what doe they there ? are they buying or felling, are they bargaining ór trading, no that's the bufineffe ofmen, what doe thechildren there ?) they call to their fellows, and fay, we havepiped toyou, and you have not danced, we have mourned to you, and yon have not lamented. Piping and dancing is the delight and bufineffe ofchildren. We'- fiad it given as apromife ofbieffing upon the Church ofGod, that their children thould' be fo employed (Zecb. 8.4, 5 )Thus faith the Lord ofHefts, there (hallyet old men and old women dwel in the ftreets ofHierufalem, and every man with hisfiafre in his handforvery age, and theffreets,of the (itiefhalt befull ofboles and gicles, (what (hall they doe ?} playing in theffreets thereof To thew the felicitieof the people ofGod in Hieresfalem after their returne fromBabylon, 'tis promifed, that as they fhould have old men leaning upon llaves, fo boyes and girles playing in the flreets. And flans 7,6 exprefTeth the external) felicitie of wicked men in familybleffìngs; Their children dance. And they have to their dance, as it followeth. alert. i3;