Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2I . ssirn êxpo;ìtion upon tee Î3ook,f a. Veri. 12` 667 Verf. I2. They take the Timbreli, and the Harp, and rrjoyce at the foandof the Organ. They take theTinobrellaThey, who ? who is the attecedent to they, doth he meane, the parents ? or their children?ór both? I conceive we may beexpound it coilec`fively, they, that is, they, and their children, old and young, they take the Tim - bre11, and the Harpe, yea they are taken with the Timbrell and the Harpe ; thus they delight and fport themfelves in the abun- danceofall things.They take the Timbrell, &c. We have here a fpecification of thofe muficall inftruments which were then chiefly ufed. There is a threefold reading of thefe words: They take the Timbrell, and theHarpe. , Arrotlunr Firít, They lift up their voyces with the Timbrel,, aid cam ans'e. vo Harpe, that is, theyplay, and fing, which fheweth - the corn- porn m, vm.- pleatneffe of their muficke, it was both by voyces and Inftra- ant vtor e'fò- ments, or they lift up their voyces like rn sficall Instruments, taco. M,erc. . 'Tis Paid ofBataan.) (2'umb. 23. 7.) He tookup a parable, that in Hebráo elf is, he fpake, or he pronounced a parable. IQtl/a con Secondly, They take or lift up their bodies in dancingwith ä fleas J. 4a: the Timbrell, and the Harpe: When the muficke founded they a rr net, faire followed, or anfwered it with the motion of their bodyes, cum ails , Inc. Thirdly, They take the Timbrell, may be rendred, They play Coc. upon the Timbrell,and the Harpe, they touch them artificially. 'lis laid, Gen. 4. 2r. (where the original! of muficall inftru- ments is reported) Hisbrothers name Inv 'ubal, he was the fa ther ofall filchas handled (or touched)the Harp ,and the Organ. Thuswe have theirmirth and muficke ; They take ( or touch ) the Timbrel, and the Harpe, they live in pleafure. Hence obferve ; Worldlymen breed their children vainely. Here is a defcriptionof their education, they are fent forth as a floche in a dance, playing upon the Timbrel, &c. here's all the knowledge and literature they arebrought up to, here is all the religion, all the Catechifine that they are taught. The Lord giveth this report ofAbraham, who had a numerous fa- mily; Iknow, him that he willlcommandhie children, and his hour hold bim,and they¡ball keep the wayof the LordGen. r 8.19. Qq q 2 (Abraham