Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

668 Chap. 21. a.-in Expolïticx sopan the 77ookof j o B. Wert, .12, (Abraham did not teach his to dance, but to ketpe the may ofthe' Lord) to doejuflice, andjudgement ; that the Lord might bring upon Abraham what he had[pokers. Clete was education in the feare of the Lord, Abraham gave his children fuch breeding as kcame the father of the faithful'. This doth not condemne M4" éY the inl}ruc ion and teaching ofchildren in muficke, that skill is /)ipvJda77 whop- , and the gift ofGod : To learne a due poyfe and totem acn dm- g P Y not feriprura, cornpofure of the b.)dy, is not unlawfnll ; onely we forbid the fed eorumdarn- exult.- ,when it takes up the whole time,and is made a bufinefs: batfecreriratem, or when Isis ufed as a provocation to luft, or anurfe of pride & eti hisvetutin vanitie. When much time is fpent in this, time is mif-f ent ; ebrietari beam P , P , contemriunt & When this which fhould be as fauce, is made the whole dyer, eius opera nej. when this which is but an unneceffary circumftance, is i nfìfled ttgunt. Mtrc. upon, asifit were all man, then 'cis finfull.. Againe, C nEder the trade ofcarnal, men, and their chit dren ; They dance and ling, they and theirfamilies.. Hence obferve ; Sen(itive jajes andcontentment' are all that carnal menare taken up with. They rejoyce at the foundof the Organ ; Heres not aword of rejoycingin:the goodneffe of God, here's not a word of thank.. fulnefle,.andpraife to,God, who gave them good things, and enrich[ themwith thofe outward bleffrngs they onely feeke to make themfeives merry,they never foylght to make the name, ofGod glorious. The holy Patriarkes hadriches, and children,, cattel, and great fubftance, fo we reade of Abraham, I,faac, and 1 rcob, yet how different a charafter doth the Holy Ghoft give of them (Heb. i.i. 13. ) They accounted themfelves pilgrims, they had no winde to their Countrey, but they fought a Citie whofe builder and maker was cod. This was their frame in their greateft worldly injoyments ; they had riches, but they did` not rejoyce in them; they had them, but they did not give up themfelves unto them. Worldlings cry (P.fal. g.. 6.) Who will Jfiew am anygood; what faith David?Lord'lift up the light of thy countenance uponme, that will carafejoy in my heart, more then when cornandwine increafe; As ifhe had faid,worldly men take the Timbrel when corn&wine and oile increafe,but ifthe Lord l fteth up the light ofhis cotantenancs uponme, this shall be my