Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

670 Chap. 2I. tin Expofition upon the Book of J o s. Vert, ¡z. Spiritual( joy is either purely in fpirituall things, when we rejoyce in God, in the Grace and favour ofGod, in the light ofhis countenance, and in the pardon ofour fins. Or when we rejoyce fpiritually about worldly things, and the good pro- videnceof God to us, whether publique or private. There may be fpiritual joy about that which is not fpirituall; we may rejoyce fpiritually, though the things be temporall in which we rejoyce ; and it is one ofthe higheft altings ofgrace, to re- Joyce fpiritually about temporali things. Secondly, There is a natural( fenfitive rejoycing, which in it felfe is neither good nor evil, it belongs to man, asman ; and ob fpeaksof this at the 25 verfe ofthis Chapter; Another dyed, in the bitternefe ofhis foul, andnever eateth with pleafure ; he` meaneth not fi nfull pleafure,but thus, he hath no naturals con- tentment, no relifh of, or joy with his meare; we fay a mans meat rejoyceth him,when it fuits with his ftomack,and pleafeth his palate. As there is natural( forrow and feare,which are fpe- cificated good or evil!, as we at and put them forth:fo there is alto natural! joy or pleafure. In this fenfe the word pleafure is ufed (Eccl. iz. s.) whereSolomon gives advice totheyoung man to remember his creataur in the dayes ofhie youth, before the evil! dayes come, and the time wherein be/ballfay, Ihave no plea: fure in them ; he meaneth not finfuil pleafure,but natural( plea- lure, fuch as a man takes in what he eats and drinks. WhenDa; vidcalled 73arzillai to court, whatAga l doe there (faithhe ), can Itall what Ieat ? etc. As if he had laid, thofedayes are come upon meinwhich I have no pleafure. Thirdly , There is fenfuall pleafure , when the heart is as it wereBeeped, drenched, and drunken with delights. ('Tames 5. 5.)Ye bave lived inpleafure on the eartb,andbeen roanton,ye have nouri/bedyour heartsat ina dayofflaughter.Which forre render unto a day of(laughter, as beafts are fatted to be kild, or as in a timeoffeating,which is a day of [laughter tobeafts & fowies for the feeding ofman. Therefore he threatensthem (ver. x.) Goe to now ye rich men, weepeand boule; pleafurebathbeenyour element, yehave lived in that , now forrow (hall be your ele- ment, and your employment weeping (s Tim. 5.6.) Sbe that liveth inpleafure;that fs,who gïveth her Pelfup todelicacy,war. tonneffe,lafcivioufneffe ; he doth not fay; (he that takes plea: lure