Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. An Expotion * f pox the Becket' J o B. \Jerf r 2. - F fun in her life, there is no hurt in that, but, She that liver in pleafure is deadwhile (he liveth. And ifthe bedead while the li- veth, how deadwill the be when the dyeth ? Further, We mayconfider thefe fenfuall pleafures or joyes in their finfulneffe, two wayes. Firft There are tome joyes finfull in their very nature, others in reference to circumftances , in both fenfes we are to underfland this Text, they rejoyce, that is, they rejoyce with fuch akinde of joy as is finfull in it felfe ; And though therebe no fin in the Harpe, Timbre!, andOrgan, yet there may be a finfull way ofrejoycingin thefe. -( Heb. r r. 2r.) Mofes chofe itlions with the peopleofGod,rather then to enjoy thepleafuresof fin for a feafon ; Whether thofe pleafures were finfull in their nature, or finfull in their circumftances, Mofes ref'ufed them. He did not refufe pleafure andcomfort inhis life, but the plea- fores of fin, anyevil! that was in thepleafure of this life, he re- fufed, that pleafure was- paine tohim, and he chofeafflition rather. But when are our rejoycings finfull in their circumftances, or what makes them finfull to us, when they are lawful! in them- felves ? I anfwer , Joy maybe lawfull in it felfe , yet finfull, finiI, in the meafure ofit, Which theProphet gives us, Ufa. 41. II) Therefore heave now this than that artgiven toplea fares, that dwelleft carelefly. When aman is given to pleafure, he will Toone be exceffve in it ; for this thews that pleafure over.fwayes his fpirit, and bathgottenhis heart. The Apoflle would have believers given to he f italitie, that is,he would have them ufe much hofpiralitie,he would have them given to hofpi- talitie but not given to pleafure. Some are given to hofpitalitie meetly becaufe they are given to pleafure ; they lovenot fo much to feed others, as to glut themfelves. Secondly, There is a finfulneffe inrejoycing, when unfeafo. nable,There is a time to rejoyce,and a time to mourae.To rejoyce in force times is matter ofofmourning, yet force will rejoyce, let the time be what it will, the fea.fons and dayes what they will ; fuch rejoycing is norgood. Our rejoycingmay be finful upon rhis account ofunfeafonableneffe, threewayes. Firft, Whenmuch ofany time is fpent in it. The timewe tend-