Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

673 Chap. 21. An Expoßtionupon the Book cf J o 1. Vert :4 , fpend inrejoycing fixould be but fo much as may fit us for oar ferious andworking times. When the Apolile ,aborts Saints, -to rejoice evermore(' Thef. 5. 16.) he means it of fpirituall not ofworldly rejoycing. Secondly, It is finfull, in regard of the feafon, to be taken up with worldly rejoycings in any time let apart for the holy duties offalling and humbling the foule before the Lord. The Prophet complaines ofthis ( ¡fa. 58.3. ) Theyfinde their owns plealureupon adayoffaß. To give the lea.t portion oftime to worldly pleafure upon a folemcie dayof fart, or holy reft is finfull. Thirdly Joy may be finfull , as fpecially in a dayoffaft fo when fad troublons calamitous feafons continue many dayes (Ifa. 22. 13. In that day the L2rdcalledfor weeping, c c. bat beholdmirth, and rejoycing, flaying oxen,and killing /heep;So, Amos 6. 4, 5, 6. They fit upon beds of Ivory, and firetch them- felves upon their coucher, andeate the lambes out of theflocke,and the calves eut ofthe middeft of theflail ; They chaunt to the found ofthe Vigil, and invent to them/elves inßruments ofwouftcklike David ;but they are notgrieved for the of tetion of 7%ph. They had muficke likeDavid; but theywere farre from fuch a heart as David had. Many patterne themfelves by holy men in the things they doe, who will not imitate their pattern in doing them. 'Tis our duty to fympathife with the feafons : and to forbeare our perfonal comforts,when the publick fits in forrow. They who rejoyce when the people ofGod Rnourne, (hall mourne in their rejoycings. They (hall not rejoyce in the joy of Gods people, nor be glad withhis inheritance, who have been at all glad at their mournings, or have not refrained glad- neffe in the dayes of their mourning. They rejoyceat thefoundoftheOrgan. And , which is a furtherdefcription both oftheírworldly profperitie, andof their finne. Verf. I3. They (pend thickdayes inwealth. Pn Nrtltod efi .. They end There is a double readingoftheword, but the z/2'nvet tdldte fenfe f bothlis the fame. Some thus : Theygrowold, or they Le Bone. confume all their dayes: the indefinite is univerfal : They fpend