Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. y4n Ri7oltlon 8/73i1 the `L'oóci J.o V:ri.'13 , 673 . fpend their dayes,that is,their whole life,in wealth, fo we.render. 17>1 TheHebrew is ingood; what good ? There are three forts,cf comfumuntfte- good; firft, fpirituall ; fecondly civill; thirdly, corporal L5cferfcriprts? good ; whenhe faith, they fpend their dayes in-geol, he meanes rF i. ce; not the fir(' ; they are farre enough from (pending their dayes idem. recedir. in what is fpiritually good ; They deale but little in that which Brun is morally or civilly good ; Their time and ltrength are l yd f e "t hbo* out cni fly in thofe things which are but.coporally good, or v, .b I good only for the body, and, as they ute rltem,fcarce good for, yea hurtful) unto that; therefore we tranllate well;# they 'Pend their dayes in wealth ; wealth is but our badili good' In common fpeech a mans poffeflions and riches are called kis goods, becaufe there are good to the outward man ; fo the vul- gar tranflates the Text, They .end out their dayes ingood, or in good things, in the good things of this life. The word is ufed (Luke. 16. z5.) Abraham in the parable fpeaking to the rich man, tells him ; Sonne remember that thou in thy life timereceim vedft thygood things; and li%en'ife Lazarus bis evili tthings,that is foares and forrows, his paine and poverty. When David{z Sam.'z 5. 8.) fed his meffenger to 7' bal, defiring forme re- cruits of vic`tuall for his Army which had been a good neigh. blur to him ; Send thyblefling to thy fonne, for we are come to thee inagood day ; what day was that ? a day, of fea(fin When there was a plentiful) provifon made ofgood things. it was Sheep (hearing day, and then they had flore.1 he things of theworld are expreffed under this title, good, (and they are ail thegood which form looke after in a threefold cos" ideration, Fitt, In reference to the judgement ofthe world, or the vulgar opinion' They are good things , and many account,' them very good, yea force account them thechiefe good, pla- cing felicitie in them. The Holy Gholt fpeaks the hearts of worldly men, They `pend their dayes ingood. Secondly, Riches and the things ofthe world, are, good as they are the creatures of God ;there he made, and he made all things good. Thirdly, They have not onely a goodncffe of entitie, but a goodneffeofufe in them : the Lord bath made them very fitte-.- able to the needs and neceilities, to the rlations, affaires and bufineffes ofthis life. And in there good things, worldly men ß r r r fpend