Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

674 Chap. 2I. ,.4n Exprfirion wpon the Beok_of J o E. Verf. 13. fpend all the dayes of their lives They fpend their ¿ayes in gera ting wealth,and havingegotten ir,they fpend their dayes in fpen- ding it, or in beftowing iC up'n their lulls. The Text intends the latter, having gotten enough tofpend,they give themfelves to the 'pending of it a'1 their dayes. They. jv;nd their dyes ir, wealth. Hence obferve ; That the chiefe bufànes ofa worldly mars is about hid wealth. He mindeth littleor nothiñg but his wealth ; he (pends his dayes in a threefold care about ir. I irfl, In getting. Secondly, In keeping. Thirdly, In taking cut thofe pleafures which wealth brings in. S me get wealth, but have no heart to ufe it others get wealth and over -ufe or abufe it : they fpend` their dayes in fpending it, in feeding their {ufls, in .pleating their appetite with ir. The rich glutton would have his (hare of what he, had :he would not leave all to his Children, or to Executors. How poore an account isthis ofthe expense of a mans dayes, that he hath (pent them in wealth ? yet 'tis hard for thofe who have, much wealth, not to doe it. A godly man who hath much wealth is hard putto it, to keepe himfelfe from fpending his dayes in it Riches have more ofthe Mare in them , then of comfort in them. Some have perifhed with want, but more have perifhed with aboundance. Hypocrites make a gaine of Godlineffe, and when they have gained their ends, they lay by their godlineffe, and fpend thofe dayes-inwealth, which they once profeffed they would fpend in walkügwith God. Many really godly loofemuch in fpiritualls ', having gained much in temporalls : they have been impoverifh:d by their riches,their belt part bath decreafed , while their worfer bath increafed, Now if it be fo hard for thofe whohave a good flock ofgrace, and a feed ofeternall life in therm, to miede heavenwhile they have a great flockon the earth : how is it poflìble but that a hypocrite fhould quite look thofe fpiritualls, which he feemed so-have, when he hash gotten much in temporalls : and that prophane