Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

676 Chap. zi. af'>r í'.::po/ition r,pcn she 73oolZof J o B. Verf. 13, owne hearts; and pray thatyemay put it under your feete. The woman ( Revel. t z I.) (loathedwith theSunne, had the Moone ( that is, ali earthly things ) sander herfeote; fhekept them under and had them only for her ufe,,her heart was above them. Secondly Lábour to get a right value ofwealth, ifyou would not.fpend your dayes in it. We feldowe erre inour affe; äions, till we erre in our judgement ; if we did not Over-value wealth, we fhould not beftow our all upon it ; no man will lay ()ut his time and ftrength, about that which he thinkes meanely of ; know then, firft that though riches are good things, yet they are an inferiour good'; fecondly, though they are good yet but a mutable good ; thirdly, they are to us as we tile them ; fome things are ló-goad, that he whobath them cannot but be good. The grace of God to us, and the graces ofhis Spirit in us, find us evill, but make us good. But no man was ever madegood by riches and worldly wealth; thefe have found foinereally good, andmade them Idle good,th,en they were,and they have found many feemingly good, whom they l aee made flark nought. Thirdly, Life the creature, but doe not injoy it, what _ we tire, is tiled for fome other end, what we injoy, is enjoyed, for it fel fe. The creature muff onely be uied, becaufe is fhould: slwayes be dìreted to fome further end; God ought to be lo- ved for himfelfe. and therefore he onely is to be injoyed. They, .e.ho underftand this diftinc`tion, will not fpend their dayes in f ;tisfKingtheir lufis with wealsh,but in ferving the living God. ,;b's charadterof thefe men may ferve all men who having wealth; have no faith in God ; They fpend their dale: in wealth, And in am went got down to the grave. There is a double interpretationof this laft claufe ; fome ex., pound it of the miferable end ofwicked men ; others of their_ comfortable end. Firft, The words may hold out the niferabie end ofawick- ed man, who-though hebath all outward good things, though he be.mightie in power, and°his houle beeftablifhed, yet in 4 moment be geethdown to thegrave ; he fuddainly vanifheth out f this world; and - whither then.? we reade begoethdown to she