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Chap. 21. An Expafition xpon the Boole;of J O B. Verf. 13 677 the grave; others reade,hrgpeth down to hell. The Hebrewword. TEeernádefcen-1 fr nifies both , and the dot nine of the Text is trueboth' f wayes, his b )dy goeth down prefently to the grave , and'his- duns. Vuig. foule to hell , that's his place and thither is his down-fall, there's the end of his wealth and voluptuous life. Thus he is concluded in the parable (Lille 16.22) 23.) The rich man dy- ed, and wad 6uried,and inhell be lift up his eyes being in torment, d-c.The rich man was cloathed in purple fine linnen,andfared delicioufly every day (verf. r 9.) He is defcribed fully, (pending his dayes in wealth, and ending his dayes in woe, He in a mo- ment went downe tohell. But, Secondly, I. rather interpret this claufe in a futeableneffe to what went before-, as the defcription ofthe comfortable deathofa wicked man ; who as he flourifhtdall thedayes of his life, fo (to compleatehis bodily comforts) he bath a very kinde and peaceable death. The word which we render mo- went, (implying the fuddainneffe ofthis change) fìgnifies al- v341 ; u. to quietneffe, or peaaceablenef re,and to bequiet and refl,(lfa. 5 t' ¡nnnturrnng f ta- 4,) Hearken unto me my people, and give ear untome O my Na- wen ui pL ti°n;f,r a late¡hall proceedfrom me,and Iwill mattemyjeedg went y,quie per (chat is, the doctrineofholineffe)to ref ,(that is, I will quietly 1; faa fetle it) for a light to the peóple; that is, to enlighten their minds with the cleare and laving knowledge ofthe truth. In this fence In quiete der (for rea) the word is againe ufed (ter. 50.34. ) It may beare cead(unt in in- Loth fences in this place; They fpend their dayes in wealth, /4". and goe to the grave in a moment and fuddainly , or in quiet and in peace, they haveno trouble in death. This their rea or quietneffe indeath, may be underftood two wvayes. Fìrft, They have *inward trouble ofconfcience,no gnaw- ing of the worme, though the worme ofconfcience k hungry, and haft, matter enough in them to feed upon; yet it is not per- mitted to feed upon them, that is, to vex and torment them. A wickedman maydie quietly, without any the least queftion upon his fpirit about his fpirituall condition as if all were well and would be well withhim forever. Whereas indeed the quietneffe that he bath is not from any knowledge ofhis l?a,t.carn {ue fr good elate but from ignorance ofhis ill citate ; he knòweth fpe ad arerno, not that the wrath of God hangs over him , and :hat the ,u. cruciatus Ptice.of God is bent against him,atid therefárehe goeth quietly cendkne. to