Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

678 Chap. 2 1, An Expotionupon riot Eoolof J o $. Verf. 13; to the grave. A godlyman dych in peace, bécaufe he know- eth his elate, is good , but if a wicked man die in peace, it is bzc:iufe he knoweth not that hiseftate isevill. Secondly They have nooutward trouble, no paine in the body, or diílturbance in their afïaires : thus wicked men may die a peaceable, yea a pleafant death they are not tiredwith long fiekneffes they are not upon the rack oftormenting dífeafes before they dye : they are not afieled with naufious medicines, and tedious courtes ofPhyfick, which to many are more grievious then ficknefre or death it felfe. Many who have efcaped the forrows ofeternal' death, meete with much forrow in their temporal death. They whole peace is made by the deathofChrift, find much paine and trouble when they come to die. Whereasmany wicked men dye (as it were) in health, andgoe not onely quickly, but quietly to the grave, having reft, fuch as it is, both in body and minde , when their bodies are laid downe to reft, even theirdying may looke like fleeping. And as this word fhewes the eafinefs oftheir death , fo the fpeed and fuddainnefs ofit. Thus we tranflate exprefTely: Ina Marte Placid if" moment theygoe down to thegrave. He death without flop or ßma qxa flayr, his is not a lingring death : if a manhave not much paine diuturnrrate in fickneffe, yet if he lie long ficke, his living is a kinde ofd non affligit de , y g g j' medio toUitur, ing. David or 4j ph( Pfal. 73.4.) defcribes the profperitie of quafi ftontena wicked men, both in hie and death : I WAS enviotu when I faw Curs eoncedenf theprofperitie of the wicked ; &c. There are no hands in their Pin. death, their frength ss firme : that is, when they die they are not bound by di nor held downe byychronical or lafting . and grinding paines : tbey die and it cal l ìardly be difcerned that they 'were ever tick, they fall offas fruit from the tree ful- ly ripe,with the leaff touch,& this is their profperitie in death: The Prophet 7ererny aggravates the mifery of the ?ewes in their captivitie upon this confederation. (Lam. 4.6.) Thepu- nifbmene oftheiniquity ofthedaughter of mypeople,iagreater theta the punifbmeast ofthefinofSodom, that mat overthrownas in a moment, and no hand: flayedon her. Sodom was deftroyed in a moment, but Hierufalems deftruc`tion was long a working, fhe maintained awarre, which procured many miferies, that offamine ; which as it is the molt painful', fo the molt dilatory