Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

6.80 chap. 21. A xpo,E t_on upon the Book_of J o B. 6 Vert 14i earthly bleffings upon. them in aboundance, and exeicircd long fufferance and patience towards them till they 11...c1 fpent their daycs in pleating themfelves ar.d provokirg him. 0.B., Cha 21. Vert'. 14, 15. 7herCrOA thy /j Moto God, Depart'row for we de, not the kn.owiedge ofthy wales. i'vh(it u the Almighty, that noelhoald fe.rvehimiandwhat p.ofitfi onki Ire have, ifwepray unto hm? T IN there two verfes we have 'the pidureof awicked man drawne to the life ( or rasher to the death) of his flare and dirpofition. For left it fliduld be thought that while 706 fpake of the profperitie ofthe wicked, he meant ir of Inch onely as tried a kind:. of moderation in finning, or Lad Come mixture and appearances at loft of forneeminent vertues among their enormous vices, he therefore by a rhetoricall imitation of of their blarphernous fpeeches andopinion,concerning the inott holy God arid his wayes affured his friends that his experi- ences had taught him that even they who have not in them the loll imaginable fparke or ray ofgoodneffe ; are yet filed with abundance,, and enjoy an affluence of worldlygoods. As it he had laid, My friendZ °pimp, according to the tenour of thy doaline, they mutt be reckoned for very holy and good men as the darlings, fpeciall favourites and bofome friends of God, who enjoy fuch earthly profperitieas I have fpoken of, but behold rhefe men, and tell me what goodneffe thou findeft in thern,'Who fay unto god, depart from tu, Thefe menare perfonated by gob,- as offering a fourfold in dignitie untoGod. Ertl, They tell God, ( asWe doe thofe whom we hate, or at loft deeply difrefpeel,) that, they had rather have his room thenhis company, They ray unto ged, departfro* ea. Secondly, They flight his dodrine, and his inftitutions; We Afirenot rite knowledge of his tvg jes. Thirdly,