Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. a fx êxpofition upon the Rookof J o a. Verf. 14. Thirdly, They efteeme him unworthy ofany attendance or worfhip ; what ù the Almighty that we! ouldfearehim ? Fourthly, They conclude his worfhip and fervice as vain and fiuitleffe what profit lhould we have, if pray unto him'? Verf. 14. Therefore they fay untoGod, depart frcm'ús. TheHebrew is, and theyfay ; It is ulna!! in Scripture to give Partr'cula & that conjundi e particle theefficacy of a caufal. So, we render 000gTM? poteo it here Therefore, or for this reafon, namely, brcaufe they r Fco xtam flourifh, and are full, therefore they growweary of, and are catilalctn, ideo burdened with the thought ofGod, They fay unto God, etc. p. oprerca. Howdid they fay it ? They fay thus three wayes. Pined. Firft, Some are fo bold and impudent as to fay it with their tnouthes, they fay it explicitely and in plaine termes,they (peak it ;out to God, depart from us. Secondly All wicked men fay this in their hearts and minds ; they fpeake it internally, this is the daily language of their fpirits to God, depart from ud. They who love not God, with their hearts, would be rid ofGod with all their hearts. So the Apoaledefcribeth theGentiles (Rom. r. 28.)They did not like to retaine Cod in their knowledge, (or as we put in the Margin) to acknowledge God. They caft the notions of God our of their minds or underftandings, as a worthleffe peece of knowledge. Thirdly, Wicked roen (the fairer fort of hypocrites onely excepted) fay this with their workes. (Tit. 1.16 ) They prof,fa that they knowGad,but in works they deny him,being abominable, difobedient, andunto every good workreprobate.Prophane perfora are afhamed to profeffi the knowledge ofGod ; Groffe hypo- crites boat in a profeffiun of God, but their practice is a deni- al! ofGod. The tranfgreffion of thewicked (faith holy David; Pf.'ol. 36. I, z,)faithwithin my heart there is nofeare of Godbe- fire hid eyes.The profef ionof fozne wicked men faith they feare God,but their tranfgreffionor trade offin faith,there's no fuch matter. We may interpret this Text of the wicked man laying thus all tiefe threewaves. Some fay it with their mouches, Ali, even the molt modeft ofthem fay it in their hearts : very many fay it in their lives, their doings being a daily defiance againii God, and a kindeofcommand upon him to depart. S f s s Againe; 6gt