Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

l g2 Chap. 21. 0.4`tr Expel:tioa mpon sire `iook,af j o B. Verf. 14. g.ine, 7'o fay, bath in it more then a b it e word, or fay fr, it imp!.', th a decree or fiatute, a full parpofe, or refolution a b )ut the thing When D ¡vid ('P/nl. 3 .) expreffethhirn leite t`;ut;I f,aid I will confr e my fin,&c.and ?ful. 39.1.1 faáii Jwill take heed, to °7,i wayet, t.e intends a fixed and immoveable refoly . up ..m Godly repentance in the one."&of Godly watch - fuh,ef in the other. And though this Text is , not fo full for tt'in the letter as the two alledged, yet without-breach ofcha, ritie, Or wreiling Sc r ipture, we may expound this as high. They Illy (as refolved and fet upon the thing) to Goddepa,'t. Mon en El fo,- The word El , by which God is here fet forth , fpeakes his r,a,iine h cdeno flrength and power, The itrong God ; which we may note to rat, argue both the folly and the impudence, of the creature in (-peaking thus ; The weaknes of God is ftronger then man, and yet weake man lifts uphimfelfe againil the thong God,, and while he thus tells him, that hecares not for his prefence, doth indeed dare him in the utmoft ofhis power. There are loure words by which God is expreffed in Scrip tune, upon a di{;ind cor.fideration of foure eminent excellen. ties in him. Firit When the felfe- being and unchangeable nature of God are chiefely intended, He is called by his Name (ehovah. Secondly, When the efficiency and governing power of God in the Adminifiration of ail things both inheaven and ''earth are fignifted, he is called by the name Elohion. Thirdly,When his goodnefs,bounty and munificence are a-- tilted, he is called Shaddai. Fourthly , When the irrefiflible flrength and forceof God ra accomplithhis own decrees and counfels bothof mercy and initice are defcribed, He is called by the name in theText, El. Nor will it be unufefull here to adde, that in Scripture, man, is expreffed by foure different names, to hold out a fourfold condition or {late of man. Fir{c, When the vertues , and heft perfet`li_ons ofman are fpoken of, he is properly reprefentedunder this title Ifh. Secondly,- When his iirength,_ honour, and greatnes are ay-- ned at, he is called Géber. Thirdly , To note his Originali ofearth, ancfhisnatural! aakne , he is termed Adam. Fourthly,