Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2I. erfrt expofition upon the 7iookof J o L. Ved. Irk, 683 Fourthly, His accidental miferie, poverty, forrowes and in- firmities, denominate him Enos. Now take mans not only as his name Adam imports, which is common to all , or as his name Enos fpeakes him , which is the lot ofmoft, but alto as he is Ifh or Geler, which names are competible but to very few; yet for man at the highelt pitch at- taineable ofris ftrength or per£etftions, to fpeake proudly to God,to fay unto el,the ftrong,the mighty,theAlmighty God, depart fromme, how abominable ! yet thus,the wicked fay to God. Departfrom oes. Theword lignifies properly to divert or recede from a place. or to give and make roome, that the way may beclear and u - obftruted for the paffage ofanother. As ifwicked men fhould fay to God, Roomefor ws ; As ifone houle, one place, yea one worl,i could not hold God and them. Indeed God filleth hea- ven and earth, yeathe heaven ofheavens cannot containe him., yet God ftraitens noman by his prefence, though wicked men thinke they can never have roome enough where God is pre- fem. Hence it is thatwicked men are called , Menfarrefrom God,Pfal. 73.17. so, they that befarre from thee'hall perifh. And 178 s 9 1 who thefe are , David telleth us in the latter part ofthe verle, Longiniut del, Thou haft defiroyed all them thatgot a whoringfrom thee; As a man who cares not forhis wife, would willingly put her away from him , and goeth himfelfe to an adulterous bed ; fo the wicked man having no love in his heart to God, bids him be gone, and goeth himfelfe a whoring from him, that is, he em- braceth the creatures , and giveth his heart up into the hands of the world ; therefore he is called, A manfarre off. In oppofi- tion to which the people ofGod are called, his Nigh ones, or ni>z7,si lei, thofe who draw nigh unto him ( 3.) and David in the Pv next verle of the Pfalme tall cited concluded], But it ùgoodfor me t{ draw nigh unto God, Further, this phrafe, departfrom áu, may imply the rejedlion and diftaft of thofe tendersand offers ofgood things , which God makes towicked men, inviting themhome to himfelfe. Aswe ufe to fay to thofe, whooverofficioufly proffer us their wares or commodities as we paffe in the ftreets of fotne Citie, Sfffz' vwby