Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

viol%Iry ir TmTfimofia acrimpriivrwraTrrvinv wrovrelpávrmv. TO THE CHRISTIAN READER. TO Thofeetpecially of this C /1` i 8: who continue the promoters of this WORK. 0 D onely wife, who caufed bis holy Word to be written afore- timefor our learningand inflru- 5lion, kath in all times appoin- ted the Minifiery ofExpounding andPreachinghis Word, that it might be the betterfittedfor inflru5ion. Thebu.. fines ofthe Expofiter(orofthepreacher expound- ing is to colle5I andgiveout thefence andmean- ingofthe Wordaright ; Thebu fines ï ofthe Prea- cher (or ofthe Expofiterpreaching)is to divide thefence andmeaning of the Word aright, gi_ A 3 wing