Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

684 Chap. 21. E'xpofrtion upon tics Bookof JOB. Vert. I$ why doe you thus preff: upon us, and trouble us, be gone, we have no minde or no leifurae to buy.Thus they to God,depart from us. Hence obferve ; F.rti, Riches and worldlyprofperitie provoke or sera/ion wicl_ed men to have contemptuous thoughts of god. The caufal particle leads us to this obfervation ; Therefore- theyfay,&c. David having confeffed his own fin(Pfal. 73.3 ). I.wae envious at thefoolifb then Ifats the profperity of the wick-. ed fheweth (verf. 6.) what fin profperitie bred up in them. Therefore pride compajeth them about eu a cbain,violence covereth. them as a garment.(verf.8..)They are corrupt andfpeakwickedly, (v.8 )They feu their mouth again(l the heavens;that is,they fpake . blafphemoully againft the God ofheaven. They charged their . mouths with infolent words, and then(eheir tongues being fet on fire by hell) they difcharged them like a thundring Canon . againf heaven. illfes warns the Ifraeliies,(D.eut.8.10,I1,12.). When thou 64 eaten and are full, then thouAalt bleffe the Lord shy God for thegood Landwhich be bathgiven thee, then beware that thou f rget not theLord thy god, loft when thy beards and thy f,)ck,s multiply, thine heart be liftedup, and thouforget the Lord thy God.How jealous was Mofes, or rather the Spirit ofGod by Mo is, over that ancient people, left they fhould forget God< when Ilehad remembred them ? left they fhould then make void the commandements of God, when he had made good his. Covenant ? left their hearts fhould be lifted up againft God,a ter his hand had been fo often lifted up for the.fn ?. And what Mofes here by way of prophecy (fore-feeing the Naughtineffe oftheir hearts, cautions them not todo)the fame . Mofes in the famebook (Ch.32. I S,) by way ofhiftorie reproves them that they had done.But ?efurunwaxedfat & kicked,thou art waxen fat, thouart grown thicke, thouart covered with fatnefs, then he forfockCjod that made him;and ligktly (flamed the rockofhre fat, nation. Even I,"raelbeing grown fat as a beati in the green pa- flutes ofa worldly profperitie, played thebeati & kicked with the heele ; but againft whom did hekick ? He kicked againft' God ; and againft him in a twofold relation ; fitti, as his crea- tor; Heforfook the God that made him. Secondly, as a preferver r,